Strong restaurant waiters and security guards brought up buckets of sparkling water, and Xiao Taotie saw that the not-so-steady table trembled when the sparkling water was placed on it.

"The different flavors of sparkling water are all new products in the store. Please taste them and choose the one you like the most. The first five tables to drink and vote will advance to the next round."

Hearing this, someone whispered: "There is a hand, use this competition to launch new products in the store, and each of us has become a live advertisement."

Hearing this man's muttering, the cook explained to the waiter, and the waiter took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "This game will not only test your speed, but also test your posture and demeanor when drinking sparkling water. Choose a spokesperson for sparkling water."

"Didn't it mean that the final champion is the spokesperson?"

"Can you decide on a spokesperson now?"

The waiter stretched out his hand to press down, everyone fell silent, and the waiter shouted: "The final champion represents the entire company, and this competition is to select the spokesperson of this drink. Each branch will select one to three. When the time comes These people will endorse different flavors of sparkling water, and will also film an advertisement together."

"Is there an advertising fee?"

"A lot of spokespeople?"

"The endorsement is the sparkling water that was voted for?"

"Inviting so many people, is it not that everyone can get a lot of money?"

The waiter replied one by one: "There is an advertising fee. It is true that each flavor has a spokesperson, so there are more people. The endorsement is the taste that the spokesperson voted for. It is true that it will be affected by the large number of people, but compared to some small advertisements, Definitely surpassed."

"I'm sure to drink it and enjoy it!"

"I think the drink tastes better if you take a big sip, and you will be more likely to be selected by then!"

"I'm so handsome, I must be chosen!"

"I'm more handsome than you, choose me!"

The waiter didn't expect that the group of foodies would argue over who is handsome. From the waiter's point of view, they are all big guys. There are really not many handsome guys, and among them, those who are really handsome don't talk, but those who are ugly Yes, the fat head and big ears, but jumping around like a clown.

The chef got a headache from their quarrel and waved his hand: "Hurry up and start, stop their mouths with sparkling water."

The waiter picked up the horn and shouted: "Ready to count down! 3—"

"Wait, I'll open the lid first!"

"Don't worry, wait a minute!"

"How do you say start? My hair hasn't been combed yet, waiting will damage my image!"

"I haven't tied my tie yet, wait a minute!"

The waiter didn't stop because of them, but continued to shout at a constant speed: "2, 1! Start!"

Little Taotie was unscrewing the cap of the bottle of sparkling water when Yuanyuan leaned over and lowered her voice, "Drink more ugly."

Little Taotie was at a loss.

Yuanyuan: "You must not be the spokesperson, and you must not be in the limelight!"

Little Taotie was stunned, a little embarrassed: "If it tastes good, it's hard to control your expression."

Yuanyuan: "It can't be delicious, the sparkling water in fast food restaurants is just a set meal, just make up the number, it can't be delicious."

"Huh?" Yuanyuan took a sip, was surprised, and took another sip: "What's the matter with the taste? This bottle is apple flavored. I'll try another flavor. It might just be an accident."

"Huh? This one is also good, so fresh peach flavor! This one is also good, the strawberry taste is sour and sweet! This passion fruit smells so good, it tastes really good!" The expression on Yuanyuan's face gradually became uncontrollable, gradually changing Feeling joyful and satisfied, the action of drinking sparkling water also became heroic.

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