Little Taotie wanted to remind her, but it was too late, the camera had already been pointed at Yuanyuan, as a star, Little Taotie was very sensitive to the camera, seeing so many cameras coming, I knew that sister Yuanyuan must be photographed up!
Little Taotie was in a hurry and didn't know what to do. After thinking about it, the only way to turn all the attention away, and to let everyone down for a while, would be to help Sister Yuanyuan, and he wouldn't let himself in!
The little girl had a very beautiful idea, and she already had a set of strategies. She saw that the bubble water smelled like lemon and coffee. She couldn't bear the sourness of lemon and the bitterness of coffee. She would definitely have an ugly expression when the time came. I won't like her, and I won't ask her to speak for her. .
Xiao Taotie picked up his favorite strawberry flavor, wanting to attract all the attention, so he put down the glass again, stood directly on the chair, and under the surprised gazes of his deskmates, picked up the big bottle of strawberry sparkling water, Fill directly into the mouth of the bottle!
"Ton ton ton... ton ton ton..."

Not long after, the bottle was gone!

She also successfully attracted all the shots to herself.

Yuanyuan: "..."

Yuanyuan also realized what happened just now, she became the focus just now, Xiao Taotie did this to attract "firepower", but in this way, little Taotie got involved!

In fact, compared to shooting commercials by yourself, it is more dangerous for Xiao Taotie to shoot commercials. Some netizens are very powerful. They almost use a magnifying glass to look at the commercials. Maybe they will see the flaws. I am not a public figure. , I found that something was wrong, and I couldn't find anything else, but Xiao Taotie was different. Once I found that something was wrong with Xiao Taotie, if I continued to investigate, I would probably find something in common between the "little boy" and Xiao Taotie!
The same can be eaten, the same food is very attractive, the same strength...

If you look further down, it is likely to be exposed.

Yuanyuan took a deep breath and stood up. Although she didn't stand on the chair, she was tall enough to surpass Xiao Taotie who was standing on the chair now. She also picked up the big bottle and began to drink from the mouth of the bottle. t" some operations.

Those who didn't know the situation thought that the two were fighting against each other, and now they were still at the same table and in the same camp.

Seeing Yuanyuan stand up, Little Taotie frowned and signaled her not to be in the limelight with her eyes, but her winking expression didn't have much effect, because she changed her appearance, now she is not that big, innocent and cute Star eyes, but a bit like wolf eyes, the eyelids were forcibly pulled down, making them look a little triangular eyes, but because the eyes are very expressive, the pupils have not changed, and against the backdrop of the triangular eyes, there is a bit of hostility.

She thought she was winking to give a hint, but in the camera, from the perspective of others, it was more like a wolf cub looking at the enemy again, issuing a warning, releasing murderous looks with his eyes, and demonstrating.

In this way, all the shots are aimed at these two people who are suspected of "infighting". You must know that their table was No.1 in the previous round. If there is no accident, this table is likely to go to the end In one round, even the champion of this store will come from this table, which already attracts a lot of attention, and they will come to things in particular, so now they get even more attention.

Little Taotie didn't expect it to be counterproductive at all, so he frowned, thinking that it's almost time to stop now, he can no longer show a delicious expression, and he has to make an ugly, disgusting expression that is disgusting!
Little Taotie picked up the coffee-flavored sparkling water he hated the most, and instead of "tons and tons" like before, he took a sip lightly, and then his whole face was wrinkled, his eyes were full of confusion that doubted life, his mouth Shrunken, with an expression of wanting to cry or not, even retched a bit.

She felt that she was acting ugly.

If I were the boss, I would definitely not let someone who retched at my product endorse me. After all, something that the spokesperson does not approve of is not convincing, and no one will buy it.

If you use yourself as an endorsement, it is a signboard.

Xiao Taotie was full of confidence, and felt that he had performed well, and the camera should be able to retreat.

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