Little Taotie was stunned. Not only did the shots not decrease, but there were more of them. Many passers-by even picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of themselves.

Little Taotie: "..."

This scene is a bit familiar...

She had a bad feeling.

Usually, if you get such attention, you will definitely be on the hot search list the next day.

I hope it's not what I thought...

Little Taotie silently put down the cup in his hand.

She didn't want to win, she just wanted to lose quickly and escape from here.

Little Taotie and Yuanyuan are not in the state, and the speed of drinking drinks has slowed down or stopped, but they have not moved their hips at the speed of their table, and the super-fast swallowing sound of "ton ton ton" can be heard in their ears.

Little Taotie and Yuanyuan looked sideways, and saw the little white man frantically drinking sparkling water.

He finished drinking the big bottle in his hand, put it down, burped loudly, and said very thoughtfully: "You don't like sparkling water, do you? It seems that your faces are not very good. Don't worry, this game is about to Give me, I can fly you!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up another big bottle and started "ton ton ton"!
Little Taotie slowly approached Yuanyuan, lowered his voice and whispered: " quite a nice person."

Yuanyuan nodded: "It's very righteous, but unfortunately, he is the target of the mission."

If it's not the goal of the mission, maybe I can get acquainted and treat him to a meal or something.

The man who came over from the next table looked at Yuanyuan and Xiao Taotie, then at the little white man, and dared not speak out.

He was a little annoyed at Xiao Taotie and Yuanyuan's behavior of refusing to drink directly, but the little white man spoke up, obviously drinking for the two of them. He was hindered in the previous game and asked the three people at the same table to help eat The person who dropped the hamburger can't say anything now, but can only silently drink the sparkling water in front of him.

To be honest, sparkling water is a bit sweet and greasy to drink without eating.

He also had no appetite, so he barely drank.

Suddenly, a hand reached out and took the cup away from him.

He was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw that the little white man didn't dislike him for drinking it, and picked up the cup and went "ton, ton, ton" for a while!
He turned his head to look at the other cups and bottles on the table, only to realize that all the sparkling water was empty, only his own cup, no wonder the other party would grab it and kill it.

The little white man immediately raised his hand and yelled, "We're done!"

The waiter's loudspeaker sounded, announcing that a table had won.

Little Taotie raised his thumbs up to the little white man: "You are amazing."

It’s amazing that you can drink the unpalatable coffee-flavored sparkling water without changing your face!
The little white man waved his hand, a little embarrassed: "It's because I've been hungry for too long, hahaha..."

Yuanyuan asked jokingly, "How long? Hundreds of years?"

The little white man blinked and laughed jokingly, "It's been thousands of years, do you believe it?"

Yuanyuan's eyes flickered, and she said with a smile, "What do you say, what do I believe, who asked you to help us win!".c
Little Taotie shouted in unison: "I believe you too!"

The corner of the mouth of the man at the next table twitched, quietly watching their bragging.

Horns sounded one after another.

After the second round of the competition, the waiter took three invitation letters to the table where the little Taotie was, and gave them to the little Taotie, Yuanyuan, and the little white man respectively.

"You have been selected to participate in this banquet, and you can become the spokespersons of sparkling water after negotiation."

Little Taotie didn't even want to refuse directly: "I don't endorse!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion among the lively crowd outside, and they all took pictures and recorded the scene.

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