Chapter 163 The Conscientious Little Glutton
Tao Shen separated the egg whites and yolks of the three eggs, beat the egg whites to coarse foam, added sugar, and beat until foamy and fine.

Add butter to egg yolk, beat well, and sift into low flour.

After the two are cut and mixed evenly, add bright strawberry jam and a little vanilla seed, and continue to stir.

When Xiao Taotie went downstairs, the cake liquid was already finished.

Tao Shen took out many beautiful paper cups and let the little Taotie choose the one he likes.

Little Taotie carefully looked at each one and picked out ten favorite patterns, giant pandas, little cats, little hearts...

Tao Shen put the cake liquid in a fairness cup, and handed the fairness cup to the little Taotie.

"Pour the cake liquid into your favorite paper cup, as long as it is half full, it will expand."

Tao Shen brought another justice cup filled with cake liquid as a demonstration.

Little Taotie carefully stared at the cake liquid in the paper cup, and after making sure he remembered exactly where it was poured, he began to pour his own paper cup.

Little Taotie's eyes were bright, he held the justice cup in one hand, and held the bottom of the cup in the other, he even breathed lightly, carefully and cautiously, for fear of pouring out too much.

After pouring a paper cup, she put down the justice cup, and looked at Tao Shen with bright eyes full of expectation.

Tao Shen laughed lightly, raised his thumbs up to her, and praised: "Awesome!"

The praised little Taotie raised the corners of his mouth, and the two small dimples sank, impatiently starting the second one.

The imaginary little cat did not appear, Xiao Taotie was a very cautious little girl, not only did ten paper cups have the same amount, but never more than [-]% full, not even a single drop was poured out, even the table was clean.

Tao Shen waited aside with a small towel, and when the little Taotie finished pouring it with great interest, he wanted to wipe her little hands, but when he found that even her little hands were clean, he couldn't help but praise her again and again, making the little Taotie's little face flush red all the time. Yes, the eyes are getting brighter.

Liu Mingzhu has been sitting quietly watching the interaction between her son and daughter.

She couldn't remember what the interaction between her eldest son and Tao Yinyin was like, it seemed... the eldest son was impatient with Tao Yinyin.

It seems that the eldest son has never seen such love for the little Taotie, his eyes are full of love, his eyebrows are wide open, and the corners of his mouth are always raised.

Liu Mingzhu took out her mobile phone and took a picture of her eldest son wiping little Taotie's hands, and sent it to her husband who is far away abroad.

When Tao Tiancheng learned that Little Taotie had arrived at home, he immediately put down everything he was doing and rushed back by plane, but the weather was bad and it was not suitable for flying, so he was delayed.

After receiving his wife's message, Tao Tiancheng couldn't wait to open it, and saw the big boy gently wiping the little girl's little hands in the kitchen under the sun.

The big boy's brows and eyes are stretched, and the corners of his mouth are always raised, while the little girl's dimples are sunken, her eyes are shining, and her little face is flushed.

Tao Tiancheng watched it over and over again, and he couldn't wait to go home even more.


Oven 150 degrees, 20 minutes.

Little Taotie stared at the small cakes in the glass, wanting to watch their changes.

Tao Shen took her little hand and led her away.

"It's not good for your eyes, don't stare at it. It will swell up after 10 minutes. Let's prepare other materials first."

Tao Shen took out a large box of bright and fresh strawberries. When he opened the box, the fragrance of strawberries wafted out.

Sweet and fragrant.

Little Taotie subconsciously raised his little nose, and suddenly a small furry thing arched over his feet.

Little Taotie looked down, it was her new favorite lion cub!

The kitten had already stripped off the lion costume in his sleep, and now he is a limp little one.

The little cat raised its head, stared at the little Taotie with a pair of big round eyes, and its pink and tender nose moved, obviously smelling the aroma of strawberries and being attracted by strawberries.

(End of this chapter)

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