Chapter 164 Behind the Ingenuity

Little Taotie wanted to hug it, but looked at the strawberries on the table, but didn't hug it.

She loves to be clean, and knows that if she hugs a kitten, she can't make small cakes.

"You wait obediently, I will eat strawberries for you later!"

She knelt down and coaxed her, then stood up ruthlessly.

The little lion who was just about to stick to it and act like a baby: "..."

It meowed twice. Seeing that the little master ignored him and could only roll on the ground, it lay still on its stomach. It stared at the little Taotie with its pair of black and round eyes, trying to arouse the little master's attention with its eyes. Notice.

Tao Shen took out a plastic knife and handed it to Xiao Taotie, handed her the strawberry, and performed a demonstration action, cutting the strawberry into slices.

Little Taotie nodded, showing that he had learned it, his eyes were full of bright red strawberries, and he didn't even look at the kitten.

After Xiao Taotie cut five strawberries, there was a "ding", and the strawberry cake in the oven was ready.

Tao Shen turned on the oven, and a mixed scent of strawberries and vanilla wafted out, even the little kitten who was lying still on the ground jumped up, staring at the pink cake in the oven with a pair of round pupils.

"So cute!" Little Taotie looked at those pink, soft little cakes, smiled and rolled his eyes, and wanted to reach out to take it, but was stopped by Tao Shen.

"It's still hot, wait a minute, let it cool down for a while."

Tao Shen took out the pink, white, and coffee-colored cream from the refrigerator, and put the cream into a piping bag.

"Let me see the strawberries you cut." Tao Shen leaned over to inspect the sliced ​​strawberries that Little Taotie had cut, and after seeing it, he praised again and again.

The little girl is a child with strong hands-on ability. The strawberry slices are uniform in thickness, and it is impossible to tell that it was just cut by a child.

Little Taotie felt that Brother Xiaoshen was always praising himself, so he was too embarrassed, so he whispered, "I'm good at cutting things! My mother told me to shred radishes and shredded potatoes, and I cut them very well!"

Hearing this, the smiles on Tao Shen and Liu Mingzhu's faces disappeared.

Tao Shen asked, "What kind of knife do you use?"

Little Taotie looked around in the kitchen, pointed to a fruit knife, "It's too big for me to carry, that's what I use."

Tao Shen felt depressed, his sister was only six years old, so let her chop vegetables with a fruit knife!
Too bad!

If Zhang Cuilian hadn't already been in prison, he would have wanted to beat her up!
Liu Mingzhu stood up, turned around and almost ran out, her nose was sore, she couldn't help crying when she left the kitchen.

She sent a text message to her husband, asking him where Zhang Cuilian is now in prison.

Tao Tiancheng replied: What do you ask this for?
Liu Mingzhu squinted her eyes, and replied: Visit her.

Tao Tiancheng hasn't been home yet, and he doesn't know that his wife's suspected depression is not a disease, but an evil spirit. He is afraid that his wife will do something irrational, so he replied: I will accompany you, you don't want to go by yourself.

Seeing the text message, Liu Mingzhu threw the phone on the sofa and did not reply.

Tao Shen restrained his emotions, touched the little cake, it was no longer hot, and asked what color of cream the little Taotie wanted.

Little Taotie chose white cream.

Tao Shen taught the little Taotie how to decorate flowers, and a cream skirt appeared on the little cake.

After being taught by Tao Shen three times, Little Taotie started to operate by himself.

After all ten small cakes are coated with cream, the next step is to decorate the strawberry slices.

"The first strawberry cake for Brother Shen!" Little Taotie held up the prettiest one and handed it over.

Tao Shen took it and smiled softly: "It's so beautiful, I'm not willing to eat it."

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin went downstairs, and the little Taotie trotted over holding two small cakes, as if offering treasures, his eyes sparkled, and his voice was full of joy: "Brother, second brother, I made a small cake!"


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