Chapter 1633
After the live broadcast ended, Little Taotie's mask became popular.

Netizens lamented one after another: [It took me more than [-] years to know that chicken wings can be eaten like this! 】

The messages in the live broadcast room frantically swiped up:
【It took me more than [-] years to know that chicken wings can be eaten like this! 】

【I am eighty this year, and I have lived 80 years in vain! 】

[Opened a new way to eat chicken wings, this kid is good! 】

[Although the eyes are a little smaller, these pupils are really beautiful! ! ! 】

[Don't you say I haven't looked at it carefully, take a closer look, my God, this is blessed by God, is there a galaxy in the pupil? 】

A live message quickly slid over: [It's a bit like my cub! 】

No one noticed this short message, and those who didn't know the situation didn't know who his cub was. It was just a parent who was narcissistic and thought his child had beautiful eyes.

[Although there are a little more freckles on his face, it's not a problem, and it can be solved with some makeup. You can see that his bones are still very good! 】

[Isn't "Finger Huai Di" looking for young actors recently? 】

[Recently, there are many places to find young actors. Isn't "Harry Persia" also looking for young actors? 】

["Harry Persia" is a sequel, and the young male lead will not be changed. Even if a small actor is found, they will only play supporting roles, friends and classmates of the male lead. 】

[You guys are thinking too far, he is just a "big eater". 】

[There are too many cross-border ones, so he can do it too. 】

[Don't speak for him, maybe he doesn't like acting at all, and he doesn't want to be a star, he just wants to be a quiet foodie. 】

[I tested it myself, this method of eating chicken wings is really great! 】

[I just ordered a bucket of chicken wings, it should be here soon, I want to try it too! 】

The number of chicken wing buckets in major fast food restaurants is rapidly decreasing. After inquiring by the store managers, they found out that there is such a "big eater", and a "eating and broadcasting" has brought the chicken wing business to the sky.

[I am the manager of the head office of Grandpa Mei’s fast food restaurant passing by. I hereby declare that if he does not become the champion and become the spokesperson of this store, our Grandpa Mei is willing to double the price of their spokesperson. Please this lovely little Mr. becomes the spokesperson of our beautiful grandpa! 】

The message about robbing the spokesperson was posted. Some people just thought it was a prank and joke, and didn't take it seriously until a person appeared in the live broadcast room.

The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store and the shareholder of Grandpa Mei unexpectedly appeared in the branch of the rival store, and he showed up with Grandpa Mei's wing bucket. This is a door-to-door prying corner!

The chef blocked the door to prevent people from entering. Unexpectedly, the manager of Grandpa Mei's main store was very skilled, so he slipped in with a sideways move.

The chef was so angry that he looked down, and saw the not-so-young manager of Grandpa Mei's main store stepping on the "Hot Wheels"!
The chef scolded: "You shameless guy, how old are you, and you still go out on roller skates like young people!"

The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store opened the hem of his shirt to reveal his abs, and smiled triumphantly: "This is the secret to keeping my figure!" He glanced at the chef from top to bottom, from bottom to top with disgusted eyes , "I said old buddy, when you were studying, you were still in charge of the basketball team. Your good figure made those female classmates scream, but... tsk tsk tsk, time, you really tried a butcher's knife."

"You're calling me a pig!!!"

"Calm down, don't be so loud, I didn't scold you just now."

(End of this chapter)

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