Chapter 1634 The chef copied the guy
"You are clearly saying that time is a pig-killing knife, and I am the pig that was killed! Aren't you calling me a pig!!!"

"Your voice is too loud, you will scare the children."

The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store wore roller skates, skating very fast, and went directly to Xiao Taotie's table.

The chef ran after him.

The manager of Grandpa Mei’s main store came to Xiao Taotie’s table. The game was still in progress. He looked at the bones piled up on the table. The pile of bones in front of Xiao Taotie was very high, and every bone was clean. , and the other one who is second only to the little glutton, although he has a lot of bones in front of him, but... the gnawing is really ugly.

He resolutely gave up on the small white man and directly invited Xiao Taotie: "Handsome little gentleman, no matter whether you can become the champion or not, you will become the spokesperson of the world's leading fast food restaurant. Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

Little Taotie is eating delicious chicken wings. Although he eats quickly, he still remembers what his second brother taught him to be elegant!

Xiao Taotie eats with his lips closed, so as not to make an inelegant sound of "bajibaji".

Little Taotie's eyes widened. Although the eyes were not the same as before, the pupils were still beautiful. The rounded pupils looked like a kitten with drooping eyelids but bright cat pupils.

The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store was not cute in an instant, and made an exaggerated gesture of covering his heart: "Oh, no, I got shot!"

Little Taotie looked bewildered.

The store manager of Grandpa Mei's main store: "You are so cute, you are the spokesperson for Grandpa Mei from heaven, you are the angel baby of Grandpa Mei's family!"

Little Taotie: "..."

Her foreign language knowledge is limited, but she can still understand these nasty words.

Children may not understand some difficult vocabulary, but when they learn bad or nasty words, they can listen to them one by one.

Xiao Taotie had only seen such nasty praise scenes in foreign cartoons, and thought it was an exaggeration in cartoons, but now seeing a real person praising herself like this, she couldn't help being flattered.

This is too nasty...

Little Taotie blushed.

You know, she is still a little boy now, how can anyone praise a little boy like that?

Little Taotie blushed, and the manager of Grandpa Mei's main store kept covering his heart again and again, calling out: "Crit, I was crit! I was crit by cuteness!"

The messages in the live broadcast room are also frantically swiping the screen:

[Hahaha, the handsome guy is blushing! 】

【So shy, so cute! 】

[I always thought he was a big eater, handsome, and tall and burly when he grew up, but...he was cute? 】

【Hahaha, he's actually not big and big! 】

[The burly handsome blushing guy is also very cute! 】

【At his age and height, he is actually tall. According to his eating method, he will definitely be rich in nutrition, grow strong and tall, and he will definitely be a mighty gentleman in the future. 】

[Hahaha, a strong man blushes, I already have a picture in my mind! 】

【His face is actually very small. I feel that no matter how tall his figure is, his face is still small. 】

[It's really cute, I'm really looking forward to his acting in a movie! 】

[He is a big eater, how many times have I said it, why must he become famous by acting in a movie?Is there no future for eating and broadcasting?Can't variety shows invite him?Can't he make music? 】

[Hahaha, isn't the point that Grandpa Mei came to pry the corner of the wall?You see, the chef took out the spatula! 】

[Copy the guy!Is it going to be a fight? ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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