Chapter 1635 Shut up old classmate
The manager of Grandpa Mei’s main store saw the chef rushing towards him with a spatula, and with his feet hard, he slid far away, shouting, “Are you going to murder? I’m your old tablemate!”


He actually dared to blatantly snatch someone in front of everyone in the live broadcast. If he snatched someone away, would he still have any face?

What a fart at the same table!Always occupying the seat of his female tablemate and not leaving, and later, the female tablemate cried to find the teacher, and then always asked him to change seats with the female tablemate!
You must know that the female tablemate is the chef's crush!
After finally being able to arrange with the arrangement and the object, who would have thought that in less than three days, it would be destroyed by the damn bad friend!

"I won't roll, I won't roll, I won't roll~~~" The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store is wearing roller skates and slipping around the store at a very fast speed. The chef is copying the guy and chasing after him. .

In the end, the chef was so tired that he didn't hit him once, but his arm felt sore from the movement of waving the spatula.

The waiter walked up to the chef and sighed: "Don't be serious with the scoundrel."

The chef threw the spatula in his hand on the ground, very angry.

"Old classmate, I'm just here to help the fun. Do you think we will be on the hot search list tomorrow? Maybe we don't have to wait until tomorrow, maybe we can be on the hot search after a while!"

"shut up!"

Now the cook felt grumpy when he heard his voice.

The goddess I had a crush on back then was replaced, and this unlucky guy sat next to me, twittering every day, God knows why he would have so much nonsense, and in the end the chef couldn't listen to the class, and he failed several courses.

"I'm so used to this sentence, I feel like I'm back in school, when you always treated me like this and told me to shut up, hahaha!"

Chef: "..." Why is he still so happy?
The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store is actually a little tired, and skating is also a very exhausting thing, so he found an empty seat and sat down, smiling: "I don't have any malicious intentions here, I'm just here to send you traffic, I'm here Here, more people will pay attention to your game, and our Grandpa Mei can also take advantage of it, this is a win-win situation, why not do it?"

"I told you to shut up!"

"You also know that when I was studying, I didn't take it seriously and couldn't keep my mouth shut. Now, how can I listen to you?"

"It's so annoying!" The chef was close to collapse and scratched his head vigorously.

"Old classmate, you don't have many hairs left on your head, don't scratch it, or you may turn into a greasy bald uncle!"

"You're the one with the bald head!"

The store manager of Grandpa Mei shrugged: "It used to be, but it's not anymore."

The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store has always been wearing a hat, and he took off the hat, revealing his beautiful hair: "How about it, the new hair, isn't it good!"

He pulled his hair with his hands and smiled: "It's very firm!"


The chef finally restrained himself from asking which store he got his hair transplanted at.

When people reach middle age, this has become a problem for many successful men.

Men will instinctively pay attention to this topic, or listen to how others improve their hair loss. The situation is no less than that of women talking about skin care products.

"Heartbeat?" The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store smiled.

The chef gave him a hard look: "Don't talk nonsense, you go, don't be an eyesore here!"

The store manager of Grandpa Mei said in a mother-in-law voice: "Look at the popularity of the live broadcast room, it's because I came here, and I brought you popularity, but you want to drive me away, it's really heartbreaking~ "

(End of this chapter)

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