Chapter 1636 Executive Director's Phone

The chef wanted to drive people away, but the phone rang.

It's a call from the executive director.

In fact, he is also a shareholder, and he and this executive director are friends who usually play golf and drink wine together.

"What's the matter." The chef's tone was not very good.

He had already guessed the general purpose of the call.

Sure enough, I heard the other party say: "I am eating at the same table with the executive director of Grandpa Mei, and we have reached an agreement—"

"Enough, stop talking."

These dirty businessmen!

He is a cook who develops dishes, so he really doesn't understand their thinking.

"Don't be angry, listen to me, all this is for everyone's benefit, you are also a shareholder, and you want to share more dividends at the end of the year, don't you?"


"But I have already agreed with him, please, don't make me hard to be a man."

"It's your business that you said, it has nothing to do with me."

"It's just hype, and there is no loss. Besides, that kid may not be able to become the final champion, so let him go."

"You're an idiot!"

"Hey...hey hey hey..."

The chef hung up the phone directly, feeling extremely angry.

The money he took last year was not as much as the year before, and the year before last was not as much as the year before. Obviously, the company is going downhill, and it is not as good as the year before. This cannot be blamed on the executive director, but it cannot be said that he is completely irresponsible. The executive director After being promoted, if it does not bring benefits to the company, it is responsible.

The chef really thinks that the little boy has a bright future. First of all, he is young. Once he becomes a spokesperson, he can be popular for a long time. You will find that the little boy has grown up a little bit. Ten years later, everyone will find that the little boy has become a big boy, and then a man!
The specific operation of this model is not clear to the chef, but the chef thinks that this operation will definitely become popular, and it will bring the company to the fire. Everyone remembers the little boy, treats the little boy as his own child, and watches the little boy grow up. It will also bring some feelings to the company!
This is similar to some star-making teams, taking advantage of the convenience of children, coupled with the fact that adults have a high tolerance for children, to cultivate some child stars, and they are trained in a team-bound way. A group will have more than three Children, each child has a different personality and a different style, so no matter what style you like, you will be stuck with this combination.

This method is not clever. In fact, there are elements of calculation in it, and it is also a kind of gambling. After all, no one knows whether a child will grow up to be crooked. The star-making team will find some well-known plastic surgeons in the plastic surgery industry to testify , During the audition, let them look at the bones of each child. In fact, children with good bones should not overeat when they grow up, and basically they will not be ugly.

The chef really thinks that he shouldn't be let go. He has a premonition that if this spokesperson is let go, Grandpa Mei will suppress his company in the next ten years, or even 20 years, or the kind of suppression that exceeds a lot .

"Is it your executive director's phone number?" The manager of Grandpa Mei's main store came over and asked with a smile.

"You guys are so despicable!" The chef hated the face of this kind of villain who digs the wall, and he didn't want to see the other party smiling, so he wanted to beat him to tears immediately.

"Resign yourself to fate, old classmate, and give him to our Grandpa Mei. Everyone will not suffer, and it will be a win-win situation."

(End of this chapter)

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