Chapter 1652

Little Taotie sat next to Shen Cang, obediently, with big eyes staring at Shen Cang's movements of flying the plane, as if he was learning secretly.

Shen Cang narrowed his eyes and deliberately slowed down.

Little Taotie relaxed his body.

Shen Cang deliberately sped up his movements, the naked eye could see that the little Taotie was tense, his body was tense, and his big eyes were staring at his hands without blinking.

Shen Cang is sure, this little girl is indeed stealing lessons!

Shen Cang asked directly: "Want to learn to fly a plane?"

Little Taotie's eyes widened, his little face blushed, and with the shame of being caught, he faltered: "I... I'm still young, I just... look, I won't touch and press randomly..."

"I didn't scold you or blame you, what are you afraid of?" Shen Cang felt funny, "If you want to learn, just say it, it's not that I don't teach you."

Little Taotie's eyes were extremely bright instantly, as if the sky was full of stars twinkling together, the sky was full of bright starlight, "Really? Can I really learn, but I'm still too young, I have a little too many hands..."

She felt that if she was sitting in the driver's seat, many of the upper buttons would be out of reach, and she might have to stand on the driver's seat to reach them.

"Yuanyuan can fly a plane."

Little Taotie had a sad expression on his face: "I just took the plane driven by sister Yuanyuan, and I felt like throwing up, it was too fast."

"She does drive fast, after all, she started practicing with a fighter jet."

"Fighter..." Xiao Taotie's big eyes were full of longing.

Shen Cang shook his head: "You can't start a fighter jet first, she is a temporary mission, so it's a helpless move."

Little Taotie yearned: "Then can I drive this kind?"

"Sit now?"

Little Taotie nodded desperately.

"Yes, there is a simulation room on the top floor of the castle, you can go in and try it out."

"There is a simulation room? Why didn't I know?"

Little Taotie feels that the castle is like a big treasure chest, every floor and every grid has surprises that she doesn't know about, and every time a new grid is opened, it will be surprising and unexpected.

"If you know everything, there will be no secrets in the castle."

"Can I explore in the castle?"

You can't explore the ancient tomb, because there are great horrors inside, so you can always explore the ancient castle, right?

There can't be great terror in the special department, right?

Shen Cang smiled meaningfully: "Children, it's better to be less curious. The old castle is not a place for you to play around."

"But..." It was Grandpa who said something curious first!
Don't you want to let yourself explore?

She felt that grandpa's head was a bit weird, and it seemed that he said this on purpose to let her explore, and she said something on the surface that did not allow her to explore.

But the private meaning, isn't it for oneself to explore?
Little Taotie scratched his head, his little head was full of question marks.

Shen Cang did not continue this topic, but said: "Look carefully, my movements will slow down."

Little Taotie stared at Shen Cang's movements of operating the plane, and temporarily forgot about exploring the castle.

Back in the castle, Little Taotie saw Hua Jinyan standing in front of the ancient tomb, she let go of her grandfather's hand, and flew over like a little butterfly: "Hua Jinyan, I'm back, I've successfully completed The mission is over, am I good, am I excellent?"

Hua Jinyan supported her gently, and said with a smile, "It's amazing, it's excellent."

"How about you, have you completed the task?"


Little Taotie wanted to ask about the mission, but she also knew to keep it a secret, so she quietly glanced at her grandfather behind her, chose to shut up, and didn't ask anything.

(End of this chapter)

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