Chapter 1653 The simulation room died 33 times
Little Taotie didn't say anything to Hua Jinyan, and rushed directly to the simulation room.

It was only then that Hua Jinyan, who had been following Little Taotie, knew that there was such a simulation room.

He also became interested and was about to follow in, but the little Taotie shut the door directly.

Hua Jinyan was a little stunned, a rare look of bewilderment appeared on that handsome little face.

He reached out to knock on the door, wondering: "Why don't you let me in?"

Little Taotie's milky voice had a sour smell, like old yogurt that had been left overnight: "I finally managed to overtake you, so don't join in the fun! If you learn how to fly a plane, I will I was outmatched by you again!"

"But... I think I should also have this skill."

"No, no, no!" Xiao Taotie's little voice was anxious: "You don't need to have it, I will be in charge of flying the plane in the future, and you just need to sit on my plane! Well, it's settled like that! You don't want it!" Learn to fly an airplane!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

The corners of Shen Cang's lips curled up as he followed all the way, and he smiled unkindly.

Hua Jinyan looked at him with a frown and asked, "Are there any other simulation rooms?"

He felt that Shen Cang was like toothpaste that could never be squeezed out.

But this time Shen Cang let him down, Shen Cang shook his head: "There is only one pilot simulation room."

Just when Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes slightly, Shen Cang smiled and said: "The simulation room for tanks, fighter jets, and aircraft carriers is downstairs. Do you want to try it?"

Hua Jinyan suddenly raised his head: "You did it on purpose!"

Hua Jinyan could only imagine how little Taotie would be angry and angry after learning that he went to these simulation rooms alone!

Maybe you'll ignore yourself for days!
Shen Cang said with a straight face: "Then do you want to learn?"

Hua Jinyan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I won't learn anymore."

Shen Cang was surprised, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "I can't tell, you have bronchitis."

Hua Jinyan gave him a sideways glance: "Little Taotie said, only let me take the plane she drives!"

"That's not what it means." Shen Cang shrugged: "When she learns to fly, I will be the first passenger." He also squinted at Hua Jinyan, and said disdainfully, "You have to queue."

Hua Jinyan was so angry that his teeth itched, he turned his face away and ignored him.

"Tsk, it's not cute at all, you should snort heavily. If it were Xiao Taotie, she might have already scolded me for being a bad grandpa!"

Hua Jinyan said nothing.

Seeing that teasing this little guy is boring and not being fooled, Shen Cang could only turn around and leave.

He had to go back and interrogate the five Apiao to find out where the ancient tomb was and what kind of horror was inside.

When Yuanyuan and Jiang Si came back, the little Taotie had already come out of the airplane simulation room, the little girl drooped her head, looking mournful, the light in her big eyes was dimmed.

Hua Jinyan had been waiting for her outside the door. Seeing her expression, he didn't ask any further questions, but stuffed a piece of chocolate into her mouth.

The mellow and sweet taste of chocolate makes people feel happy, even if they are decadent and depressed, they will slowly recover.

Little Taotie looked at Hua Jinyan pitifully, her big eyes were full of fear, she bit her lip, and said with difficulty: "I... have died 33 times."

Yuanyuan and Jiang Si who rushed back just heard this sentence, Yuanyuan suppressed a smile, her face became distorted.

Jiang Si solemnly comforted: "It's okay, I will get used to it if I die a lot. I learned it after dying more than 300 times in the simulation room."

Yuanyuan kicked him: "Are you consoling? You are adding fuel to the fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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