Chapter 1656 The old witch has become gentle

Little Taotie seems to be a little milk cat whose life is pinned down by Yuanyuan, its pupils are shining, and its small mouth is slightly opened, revealing its gums and small tongue. It looks like a little gluttonous cat!

What death gloom is there at this time?
The little girl's little head is full of flying pork liver pizza and fried chicken ice cream!
"I...I want to continue training!" Little Taotie snorted, as if she was afraid of drooling, she touched her mouth secretly, her heart relaxed, but luckily she didn't drool.

She is majestic, with bright eyes, and she is about to rush into the simulation room.

She reckoned that after such a long time, the battery should have been fully charged.

Yuanyuan grabbed her and said, "Wait, I want to go to Loulan."

Little Taotie reluctantly looked back at every step, but his face was really uncomfortable, so he chose to follow sister Yuanyuan to Loulan's place.

Jiang Si silently followed the two of them.

Hua Jinyan wanted to follow, but Jiang Si shook his head: "Loulan has a weird temper, you haven't changed your face, so don't come and join in the fun."

Hua Jinyan has also met Loulan, and knowing the top and bottom of the special department, he nicknamed Loulan "witch", "big devil" and "old witch" in private...

He wasn't afraid of Loulan, but worried that after he passed, Loulan would be in a bad mood and attack too hard, causing him to accidentally hurt her when he changed Xiao Taotie's face.

"Then I'll wait for you here."

Jiang Si nodded.

Little Taotie turned back and waved his little hand: "I'll be back soon!"

Loulan is not just a "transformer" in a special department, in fact, her existence is more like a doctor in a special department, and the room she is in is more like a medical room.

Usually, members of some special departments participated in more brutal cases, or were there any members of the department who killed someone, in order to protect someone in the case, killed the attacker, and killed someone for the first time. At this time, special Members of the department will come to this "medical room", and Loulan's identity at this time is no longer a "disguise teacher", but her identity has been sublimated into a "psychiatrist".

Loulan's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the little Taotie coming in, and he stepped forward very enthusiastically, making Yuanyuan and Jiang Si suspicious of life, and they even thought that Loulan was not Loulan at this moment, but a pretender!

But in the entire special department, only Loulan's disguise is brilliant, and no one dares to pretend to be this "old witch".

Yuanyuan and Jiang Si looked at each other, and chose to be quiet so as not to annoy the "old witch", and when the "old witch" changed their faces, if they tried secretly, they would be finished.

Lou Lan held Xiao Taotie's hand, and asked softly, "Are you tired, are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

Xiao Taotie was not hungry at first, after all, he ate a lot during the Big Eater Competition.

But Sister Yuanyuan just said too many delicious things, the point is that she has never eaten those things, which ticked off the little girl's greediness, and now the little girl feels that she is hungry.

She nodded embarrassingly: "I'm a little hungry."

Both Yuanyuan and Jiang Si admired her and felt that her heart was really big.

How dare you ask for food from the "Old Witch"!

Aren't you afraid that the "old witch" will poison her to death?
Children, you really have a big heart!
Shockingly, the "old witch" asked very gently: "Little baby, just tell me what you want to eat."

Little Taotie blinked, and the little milk voice was soft: "Can you eat anything?"

"Yes, you can eat whatever you want!"

"I want to eat pork liver pizza."

(End of this chapter)

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