Chapter 1657 Top Desserts
The corner of Lou Lan's mouth twitched.

Pork liver pizza?

Chinese and Western merger?

Is there such a thing?Was it specially made by her family?

"Have you ever eaten before?"

Little Taotie shook his head: "Don't eat it."

"Haven't eaten it? Then how do you know the existence of pork liver pizza?"

"Sister Yuanyuan told me that in the cabin simulation room, if you choose to relax, you can choose what to eat, and there is this dish."

"Oh... that's right." Lou Lan gave Yuanyuan a meaningful look.

Yuanyuan said confidently, "Yes, there are, and I didn't lie!"

Loulan was a little surprised, she didn't expect the big foodie to be so fresh today.

"Okay, then you wait, I will ask someone to prepare."

Loulan is in charge of the disguise and psychological problems of all the staff, so naturally someone is also in charge of the logistics.

She almost already thought of who purchased this kind of "ordering" service.

Lou Lan walked outside, passing by Yuanyuan and Jiang Si, both of them felt a kind of pressure at the same time, and even their breathing subconsciously slowed down.

When she was completely out of everyone's sight, Yuanyuan let out a breath.

Jiang Si gave her a thumbs up: "I was very capable just now."

Yuanyuan made a bitter face: "Compared to being misunderstood, of course it is better to resolve the misunderstanding quickly. If she thinks that I am a liar who deceived children, the consequences... will be unimaginable!"

Jiang Si felt that it made sense, and his eyes were full of sympathy.

Little Taotie chose a chair that could be raised and lowered. He sat on the chair and adjusted it to the highest position, and then he could swing his feet in the air.

Yuanyuan and Jiang Si looked at the carefree little Taotie, no matter how they looked at it, they felt that the little Taotie was a little too heartless.

Yuanyuan asked, "Aren't you afraid of the old witch?"

Blunting the words "old witch", Yuanyuan was a little scared, looked at the door in fear, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's a good thing I didn't come back, it's a good thing..."

Little Taotie looked bewildered: "Who is the old witch?"

Yuanyuan pursed her lips, pointing in the direction of the seat where Loulan was sitting just now.

Little Taotie's eyes widened in shock: "Why do you give such a nickname to a beautiful aunt?"

Yuanyuan: "..."

Jiang Si: "..."

Yuanyuan coughed dryly: "Just pretend you didn't hear anything. Don't talk to Old, don't tell Teacher Lou..."

Little Taotie nodded, and made a gesture of pulling the zipper on his mouth, and his little milk voice softened, as if he was doing underground work, with a mysterious little expression: "Sister Yuanyuan, don't worry, I won't say anything, I know If you tell her, you will definitely have no good fruit to eat."

Yuanyuan covered her face.

At this moment, it's so embarrassing.

Even children can see that Loulan is a ruthless one.

Yuanyuan coughed dryly and turned around, she had no face to face the little Taotie.

Jiang Si smiled and tried to hold back, his face was a little distorted.

Little Taotie continued to shake his legs, and asked, "Sister Yuanyuan, what else is there that I haven't eaten, can you tell me more?"

Yuanyuan thought about it, and felt that this was a good opportunity to change the topic, and continued to introduce the food: "Have you eaten persimmon cake?"

"Of course I have, it's sweet and delicious!"

"Have you ever eaten butter with persimmon cake?"

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Butter? Isn't it served with bread?"

She couldn't imagine what it would be like to pair butter with persimmon cakes.

"You don't know this. Butter and persimmon cakes are the top desserts! The natural sweetness of dried fruit, the mellow milky aroma of butter, and the silky texture are wonderful together!"

(End of this chapter)

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