Chapter 1664 Microscope Magnifies Bacteria

Loulan moved out a microscope.

Yuanyuan opened her mouth slightly: "This...all of them?"

Lou Lan deliberately threw a "bouncy ball" on the ground, then picked it up quickly, and looked at Yuanyuan with a smile: "Come on, let's see how many bacteria will be inside after magnifying it a thousand times?"

You should know that when Loulan, who is obsessed with cleanliness, cuts persimmon cakes and butter, he wears gloves all the way. When pinching the "bouncy ball", he wraps it with a layer of plastic wrap, so the original "bouncy ball" is very clean. of.

Under the magnification of the microscope, Yuanyuan closed herself.

Yuanyuan felt that the saddest thing was this. After seeing countless bacteria, she was told mercilessly that these guys were now in her stomach.

Little Taotie couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud.

Yuanyuan: "..." Even children laughed at me!

It's over, it's over, face is gone!
No, I want to lose my temper with my boyfriend, hum!

The best way to let yourself forget about a bunch of bacteria in your stomach is to vent.

So Qin Xin was innocently made things difficult by his girlfriend, that's another story.

Little Taotie picked up a "bouncy ball", first observed the beautiful natural texture on it, then stretched out her pink and tender tongue and licked it lightly, tasting the sweet taste brought by the tip of the tongue, the little girl squinted happily squint.

She opened her mouth, tiny white teeth making tooth marks on the bouncy ball.

She didn't choose to be stuffy, but chose to bite a little bit, so that she could experience the taste better.

The persimmon cake is sweet and glutinous but not monotonous, and butter is used as a comprehensive spice. The whole taste is full of layers. The fruity taste is not simply sweet, but also has a refreshing feeling after drying the fruit. This taste is brought out and integrated into a new taste, which is very rich and beautiful, like a dessert made of tropical fruits and ice cream, but it is neither cold nor cold.

Little Taotie dazzled a few times before recovering, his little face was flushed: "Accidentally, I ate too much again, everyone, eat quickly."

Yuanyuan wanted to eat, but she pursed her lips against Shang Loulan's warning eyes, and said against her will, "I'm so full, I can't eat any more."

Jiang Si: "I don't like sweets."

Lou Lan: "I ate it when I made it. I ate a lot."

None of them ate, only Xiao Taotie ate alone.

Little Taotie is a little girl who saves money and doesn't waste money, so she shows off everything.

A whole pizza, a large stack of "bouncy balls", plus the fried chicken that was already full, now the little girl's belly is a little bulging, but it's just like an ordinary child who is eighty percent full after eating. The stomach is a little bulging, but it's not in an exaggerated way. Just changing these foods to a child can make people burst their stomachs.

"I'll pinch your face back for you, close your eyes and take a rest."

Hearing this, Little Taotie obediently closed his eyes.

Close your eyes after eating and you will fall asleep easily.

Little Taotie did indeed fall asleep.

When she woke up, lying on the operating bed, Yuanyuan and Jiang Si had already been driven away.

Little Taotie looked at Loulan in a daze.

"Are you awake?" Lou Lan was doing something on another operating bed.

Little Taotie rubbed his eyes, and then became more awake, looked over suspiciously, and met the teacher's eyes, and in her perspective, what was even more frightening was that there was a Piao floating on the teacher, and the teacher Exactly the same Apiao.

Changed to a scene where anyone would scream, the little girl just calmly put down her hand rubbing her eyes, tilted her head, and said hello: "Hi, how are you~"

(End of this chapter)

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