Chapter 1665 Asking Children Questions
The general teacher stared in horror at the pair of dead fish eyes that were already lifeless, with too many whites and too small gray balls. This kind of staring is actually a bit scary, but the little Taotie has long been immune, no matter how ugly A Piao is. After that, this A Piao who died not long ago has not changed except that his eyes are not good-looking.

"Did you see it?" Lou Lan looked around, and said in a serious voice, "Here?"

Little Taotie nodded and pointed in the direction of A Piao, "It's right here."

Lou Lan nodded thoughtfully.

Loulan also does some forensic work, but the special department doesn't bother her much, but other departments always have some difficult cases and send some corpses over.

In order to understand the human body better, Loulan did not refuse, dissected it and gave an answer.

The reason why the special department didn't find her very much is mainly because there are many people with yin and yang eyes in the special department. In fact, most of the people in the special department enter the department with the ability of yin and yang eyes, accounting for more than half of the entire department. The ability of the eye is divided into high and low.

Among them, about one-third were able to talk to A Piao.

The easiest way to know the truth of the case without autopsy or disrespect to the deceased is to interrogate Ah Piao with a yin and yang supernatural being to learn the truth.

However, Lou Lan has always maintained a reserved attitude towards this process, because A Piao is not everyone who "talks well even after death", and there will still be some born bad embryos among them. Say some specious things to frame people.

Lou Lan has always wanted to change the behavior of the special department that completely relies on supernatural powers and ignores skills. She believes that the real truth is not a single one. It should be after asking about A Piao, and then conduct an autopsy on the body to analyze whether A Piao is lying. , and finally get the truest answer.

But she raised it many times, but was rejected by Shen Cang.

Shen Cang always feels that since he got the answer from A Piao, the next step is to investigate. Whether A Piao is lying or not can also be distinguished in the process of investigating and solving the case. There is no need to "do something" with the corpse. Those who can see A Piao, most of them live in awe, some of them are idealists, not materialists.

Even many of them are believers who think this kind of behavior is very lacking in merit.

Lou Lan was suddenly curious. In the eyes of a child, what is right, should he listen to A Piao and then solve the case directly, or should he listen to A Piao and then conduct an autopsy to get more real information and then solve the case.

Loulan asked her own question out of nowhere.

Little Taotie blinked, tilted his head, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Seeing that the little girl was stumped, Lou Lan laughed at herself.

What happened to me?
I don't have an answer to this kind of question, so how could I ask a child.

Just when she gave up asking, she heard Xiao Taotie's milky voice and said childishly: "Why do you have to have an absolute answer? Ah Piao also has good and bad, how can you believe the answer of the evil spirit? The evil spirit's words are ten I can’t believe ten sentences~! I think those wraiths who look pitiful are already miserable, and they can’t be dissected anymore. This will lead to the peak of the resentment of the wraiths towards the whole world, and maybe they will become vicious because of their resentment Become an evil spirit, that’s not good.”

(End of this chapter)

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