Chapter 1673 Burning is worse than donating
After roughly confirming the target, Xiao Taotie wanted to participate in the next thing, but Lou Lan didn't agree.

"The people from the second team have already gone, you can watch my autopsy."

Little Taotie: "..."

Lou Lan: "Sit down and be good."

Little Taotie stood up straight: "No dissection is allowed, he is not an evil spirit."

Lou Lan sighed: "More evidence is needed to accuse."


Lou Lan interrupted: "You can ask him if he is willing to be dissected. After the dissection, he can prove the crime."

Little Taotie didn't ask any questions, but A Piao said pitifully, "I don't want to be dissected."

No one wants to float around and watch their physical body being torn apart, disemboweled, or even brained.

Little Taotie shook his head resolutely: "He doesn't want to."

Lou Lan was a little bit troubled: "It's not impossible to do an autopsy, but the progress of the case will be much slower."

Ah Piao hurriedly said, "Slow down, now I just want to know where the lottery ticket is?"

Rather than solving the case and knowing who the murderer is, he wants to know where his lottery ticket went. He hopes that the lottery ticket will be buried with him.

The corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched: "Don't tell me you still want to cremate the lottery ticket?"

A Piao: "If you can, please burn it to me."

Little Taotie: "Even if you get it, you can't talk to each other."

A Piao: "It doesn't matter if you can't redeem the prize."

Knowing about Ah Piao's thoughts, Lou Lan just smiled: "It seems that even if it burns, I don't want to take advantage of others."

"Aren't you going to leave it to your old grandmother?" Little Taotie asked.

Ah Piao immediately shook his head crazily: "That's not a good thing, the old grandma can't keep the lottery ticket, maybe she will encounter the same experience as me. That's the big deal!"

After hearing this, Xiao Taotie felt that it was very reasonable: "It is indeed the case. If you have too much money and cannot keep it, you will definitely encounter disasters. In fact, if you choose to burn it, you might as well donate it in the name of your old grandmother and you to help the needy." Those who help, you and your old grandmother will get merit, and you will not be so unlucky when you reincarnate in the next life, and you will definitely be born with a golden key in your mouth."

A Piao was stunned for a while: "It can still be operated like this."

"Of course, my master said that everything a person does is treated fairly by this world. Bad people do bad things, not because retribution has not come, but because the merits of the previous life have not been used up, or because they have great merits. His ancestors blessed him, so nothing happened for the time being. Once the bad things he did accumulated exceeded his merits, the retribution would come. This is why many bad people were arrogant when they were young, and they would suffer bad luck when they were old. It's just that retribution has been calculating the balance point."

"Then those who didn't receive retribution, isn't it because they have a lot of merit, which is offset? Isn't it a bit unfair."

"It's not unfair. Who knows what kind of person you will be reincarnated and what hardships you will suffer because you have no merit in your next life." Little Taotie tilted his head and blinked his big eyes, "So, are you going to burn the funeral? Or donate the accumulated merits?"

"Whether it's true or not, I choose to donate to my grandmother if I can accumulate merit. I hope my grandmother will be healthy and happy, although I can no longer be by her side to fulfill my filial piety."

Not long after, the captain of the second team came here, and he took out a lottery ticket and placed it gently beside Teacher General.

The captain of the second team: "The person has been arrested, this is a lottery ticket, and they haven't had time to claim the prize."

(End of this chapter)

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