Chapter 1674 Buying Insurance for the Elderly

"Can you help me redeem the prize, please."

Little Taotie agreed without thinking, "No problem."

"All donated, don't keep a cent."

"Don't you want to leave some for your old grandmother?"

"I want to stay, but if I stay, it's useless. It must be sucked away by my uncle and the others, and it may cause disaster, so I don't want to stay."

Little Taotie nodded: "It's really dangerous for the old man to leave too much money."

Seeing the little girl sighing like a little old lady, Lou Lan couldn't help being curious: "What are you talking about? Why are you sighing? Didn't you get the lottery ticket?"

"The eldest brother wants to leave some money for the old grandmother, but the old grandmother is already old, and he is afraid that the old grandmother will not be able to keep the money, so he is very conflicted."

"What's so difficult about it? Why don't you just buy an insurance policy? The money is in the insurance company, and you can only apply to withdraw the money when you are sick or encounter major difficulties. In this case, no one can touch the money."

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Is there such a company?"

"It's an insurance company."

"But where they put the money, won't they be passive?" Little Taotie was a little worried.

"Look for a reliable insurance company. If it's more famous, it will certainly be used for investment, but when it's time to pay, it will be taken out even if the owner is torn down to compensate the west."

"What if the insurance company goes bankrupt?" Ah Piao was worried.

Little Taotie repeated Ah Piao's question: "Then what if the insurance company goes bankrupt, the money is gone."

Lou Lan laughed and said: "This kind of situation is basically impossible. If it is a reliable insurance company, the chance of bankruptcy is very small. Even if you are unlucky and it really goes bankrupt, the insurance company has an agreement. Another insurance company has to take over the policy of this insurance company, because they have to be borne by each other as a guarantee company, otherwise the insurance company cannot be established.”

Little Taotie let out a sigh of relief: "This way I can feel at ease."

A Piao nodded: "In this way, I can reincarnate with peace of mind. Although I am no longer here, I can only do my filial piety in this way. If grandma gets sick in the future, uncle and the others won't use the hospital too far away Excuse me, tell grandma to bear it, and don't send grandma to the hospital."

Little Taotie: "If they can get reimbursed, they will definitely run fast. In the future, as long as your grandma has a slight headache, they will definitely send her to the hospital."

Ah Piao showed a reassuring smile: "I should also be relieved. This world is unfair to me, but it has not blocked all my ways of life. If there is no old grandmother back then, I don't know what kind of life I would have lived."

Little Taotie put on a mask. This time, it was Loulan who taught her by hand. She pinched her own face. Although it was not as good as Loulan's pinching, I felt that the cheekbones were slightly different in size, but Loulan said there was a little It doesn't matter if they are different, anyway, no one will use a ruler to compare them, not to mention that many people have inherently different left and right faces.

Xiao Taotie appears at the lottery exchange center in the guise of a little boy.

"I didn't expect a kid to win the jackpot."

"There is a lot of money in the prize pool this time, can she get a lot?"

According to calculations by the staff of the lottery exchange center, Xiao Taotie can get 3000 million after paying the taxes.

This is not a small amount, Xiao Taotie was very surprised, originally thought that the lottery jackpot was at most 500 million.

"I use 100 million to buy a serious illness medical insurance, and another 100 million to buy a pension insurance, and donate all the extra."

The staff suspected that there was something wrong with their ears: "Are you sure you only keep two hundred and donate the rest?"

(End of this chapter)

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