Chapter 1675 Leave me a little bit
The people from the insurance company came very quickly. Naturally, if you have business, you have to run fast.

When I heard that the other party only kept 200 million and donated the rest of the money, I regretted that it was too late. If I had come earlier, I would have told the children that the money is too much, and the insurance policy can also be very expensive. Tens of millions Insurance is not without it.

"Give the old man an accident insurance." The insurance staff said kindly.

Little Taotie immediately shook his head: "No, no, no."

It was Ah Piao who said in her ear: "Don't do it, this kind of accident insurance is for old people who can lose money if they have an accident. In case my uncle and the others are poor and crazy, they deliberately let grandma get hurt and cheated." What should I do!"

Any potential for harming the elderly must be eliminated!
Seeing that the little boy was very repulsed by accident insurance, the insurance staff did not insist on sending it, and continued to sign the contract according to the procedure.

"What is the relationship between this lady and you?"

"My late friend's grandma, can I buy it?"

"Yes, it is possible. After all, critical illness insurance is a consumer insurance, as long as you clearly state the insured."

For the sake of "money", the staff of the insurance company acted swiftly and quickly like never before.

Xiao Taotie kept urging her to hurry up, and the staff did hurry up, but it was still a bit late, and a large number of media had already arrived.

Every time someone wins a lottery, this process of being exposed is definitely unavoidable.

Little Taotie is glad that he used the mask, but he doesn't know that this mask has already become popular in China from abroad!
"You are a big eater!"

"My God, it's you!"

"You actually came to China!"

"I'm a fan, can I shake your hand?"

"Can you tell the audience friends, the secret to not gaining weight by eating?"

"Eating so much fried food, why don't you even have a pea?"

"You beat your opponent, how many chicken wings did you eat?"

Microphones were piled up in front of the little Taotie, and questions were thrown at him one after another, making the little Taotie confused.

Shouldn't they be asking about winning the lottery?
Why are you asking about the Big Eater Competition?

A Piao was also very surprised: "Is this face you use famous?"

Little Taotie was speechless, and wanted to tell him that even without this mask, he was still very famous.

Both the microphone and the camera were facing her, she didn't dare to speak to A Piao rashly, and she didn't even dare to look at A Piao more, for fear of being photographed abnormally.

The flashing lights on the scene were on, and Ah Piao was frightened, trapped by Feng Qiyi's tail, and pulled into the horse-faced bell.

Ah Piao entered the horse-faced bell for the first time, and the eyes of the dead fish were full of shock: "Where is this? Is it inside the horse-faced bell that makes no sound? How could I come in?"

Feng Qi rolled her eyes: "I rescued you in, don't you know how much flashlight and sunlight can damage a spirit body, and you have only become a spirit body not long ago, and it will soon become transparent, and then completely dissipate , no one can save you."

Hearing this, Ah Piao was terrified and shivered.

Feng Qi: "Don't tremble, just stay here."

"Thank you, Great Immortal Hu, for saving your life!" A Piao was about to bow and kowtow as he spoke.

The corner of Feng Qi's mouth twitched: "Don't do such nonsense, if you really thank me and get merit after donating the money, just share it with me."

"Can merit be shared with you?"

"Yes, as long as you want."

"I am willing, you... just leave me a little bit. I want to have my parents and a whole family in my next life. I don't want to be another unlucky person who can't control his parents."

(End of this chapter)

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