Chapter 1678 Aunt's wallet is alive again

The police finally sorted out the collected information and shook their heads at the uncle and his wife: "It's not the murderer, it's your nephew who entrusted someone to receive the award."

"Impossible! How could he leave this kind of thing to outsiders!" Uncle couldn't believe it.

This kind of glorious event of receiving an award must be reported, how can such a good thing be given to outsiders!
The policeman sighed: "I don't know about that."

My aunt had a straight face, in a very bad mood, and said in a muffled voice, "Then what about the bonus that was exchanged? Did it all go to that person?"

"Not really, 200 million of the winnings from the lottery were bought for the old lady's medical insurance and endowment insurance, and the rest was donated to the Red Cross."

"What?" Uncle stared round his pupils, which were full of astonishment and bewilderment.

What is the Red Cross?

Is it for charity?
Can such a tall place have anything to do with the rural people?

My family's life is not going well, and the money is not enough to spend, so why donate it?

Is your nephew out of his mind?

Uh!It seems that it's really not a good look, otherwise why didn't I get a bad grade in the exam before!

This stupid thing, why don't you leave some for uncle, forget it, even if you don't give it to uncle, leave some cash for grandma, I really don't know what to think!
The uncle just slandered in his heart, but the aunt asked directly: "Why don't you leave some money for his grandmother, what's the use of insurance?"

"Those insurances are pretty good. I heard that they are all million-dollar insurances. As for the medical treatment, as long as you get sick, you can be reimbursed."

"It can be reimbursed!" My aunt's eyes lit up, she found a list, and asked, "Can this be reimbursed?"


"That's okay, my wallet is alive again."


"Then what's the use of pension and insurance, can you receive retirement wages?"

"It is possible to receive money. A sum of living expenses will be transferred to the account of the elderly every month, which should be similar to the retirement salary in the city."

"Really! The old lady is also paid! My God, such a good insurance, why don't you give him one!"

Policeman: "..." He couldn't answer those words.

Everyone is from the same village. Everyone knows how this couple treats their nephew. It can't be called vicious, but it's not much better. Such an alienated and indifferent relationship, why does this nephew buy it for you, doesn't he have any idea?

Sensing the policeman's strange, connotative eyes, the aunt rubbed her nose and coughed dryly: "This kid is very filial to his grandmother, why donated all the other money, didn't he get a cent more, isn't it the one who received the award?" Are people out of money?"

"No, all of them were donated. We did an investigation, and many things cannot be based on his own words. If he kept the money, we have the right to suspect that he is the murderer, but he did not give out any money, and he himself Donated part of the money, he won a big appetite award abroad before, and the bonus he got was very objective, he donated all the money, he is not short of money, at least he will not kill people for the money."

"A kid from a rich family?" My aunt looked puzzled. "How could my nephew know a kid from a rich family? He hasn't traveled far, and he's basically in the village."

"The award recipient said that the two met on the Internet and became close friends who talked about everything. The lottery ticket was also sent to him by your nephew before the accident, and the voice of your nephew begging the recipient for help. These cannot be faked. .”

(End of this chapter)

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