Chapter 1679 Old Hen Xiaohua

Knowing that the nephew also knew the young master of a rich family, the uncle raised his thumb: "I didn't expect him to look like a fool, he hides very deeply."

The aunt curled her lips: "If I hide it a little deeper, I won't die."

The aunt looked at the police and asked solemnly, "Is there no clue now?"

"I don't know about that. In fact, the higher-ups have already closed this case."

"What, the case is over? He died for nothing! The murderer has never been found!"

"The murderer has been arrested, but the specifics will be notified to you later."

The police were also very helpless. This case was transferred by the higher authorities. All the news he got now, including the fact that the recipient and the deceased were netizens for many years, were all information given by the superiors. He didn’t know whether it was true or not. .

"The murderer has been arrested?"

My aunt and uncle stayed at the police station for a long time, but they didn't ask anything. The police's mouth was like a clam shell.

On the way back, my uncle asked, "Would you like to buy a chicken and kill it for my mother's health?"

My aunt said coldly, "What kind of chicken does not cost money? Do you have the money to buy it?"

Uncle said nonuonuo: "No... I don't have any money with me."

My aunt snorted coldly: "Just go back and kill one. We don't have any money to buy anything."

The uncle sighed: "That's a chicken that lays eggs, and it was raised by us. I am a little bit reluctant to kill it."

My aunt scolded: "Worthless, if you dare not kill a chicken, you dare not kill a chicken. What are you talking about? You are a useless waste. Those who have no power to restrain a chicken are all scholars. What about you? What the hell! Ahhh!"

The uncle was slobbered by his wife, wiped his face with his hands, and grinned with a stern smile: "What good things can a scholar have? It's better for a man like me, who is single-minded and doesn't care about anything."

Back home, my aunt caught an old hen, the oldest hen in the family.

"It's been many years, hey." Uncle sighed.

My aunt said coldly: "Only those who are old enough to make up their health, go, you go kill it."

Uncle turned around and ran away: "Xiaohua and I have a deep relationship, I don't want to see Xiaohua die, I woooooooooo—"

The elders ran away shyly and with fake cries.

Aunt: "..."

In the evening, my aunt took the boiled chicken soup to see the old lady.

Seeing the lunch box on the bedside table and seeing that the seat had been moved, I was relieved: Fortunately, the old lady didn't waste food!

As a result, I opened the lunch box and saw the untouched food inside. My aunt couldn't hold back her temper: "Why don't you eat? If you don't eat, tell me earlier. I didn't have enough at noon. I can help you eat it. Better than wasting it like this!"

The old lady gave her a sidelong glance, but said nothing.

The nurse passed by and walked in with a frown: "What's the matter, what's the noise?"

My aunt blushed and apologized repeatedly.

After the nurse left, my aunt murmured: "I know how to teach others, and I don't care about taking care of the patients at all. Don't you know that the elderly don't eat, and they don't care. If you care, can I get angry and make noise?"

"Stop nagging, I'm going to bed, go back quickly." The old lady ruthlessly rushed away.

The aunt's face was dark: "I watched you drink the soup before leaving. If you don't drink it, Xiao Hua will die in vain."

"What! You killed Xiao Hua! You are a prodigal bitch! This is the chicken that lays eggs! Xiao Hua is the chicken that lays the most eggs!"

"What can I do? I don't have any money, and all the money will be given to you to see a doctor. My wallet is dead, so I can only stew little flowers."

"I didn't say I want to drink chicken soup!"

"Your son asked me to buy chicken to make soup for you. I have no money, so I can only cook Xiaohua. Can you blame me? If you blame your son, I can help you beat him up!"

(End of this chapter)

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