Chapter 1680 The old lady wants to meet

The nurse passed by again, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law subconsciously shut up and kept quiet.

The nurse glanced inside.

The two subconsciously held their breath.

When the nurse walked away, the two exhaled at the same time, and then looked at each other, while shoulders drooped a little.

The old lady: "The stew is all stewed, let it cool for me, I have to drink it up."

Aunt: "Why do you want to drink it? You should refuse to drink it, and I can drink it."

Old lady: "I don't want to take advantage of you."

Aunt: "It is said that I am the meanest woman in the village, but I am not inferior to my mother-in-law."

The old lady gave her a sideways look: "You, I chose you, and I just like you."

Aunt: "I shouldn't be greedy for your family's meat back then."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law scolded each other, and for no reason, the old lady's dull mood improved a bit.

The old lady drank the chicken soup, exhaled a sigh of relief, and her face turned a little bloody, "Is it buried?"

"No, the body hasn't been sent back yet."

"what happened!"

"Don't get excited, it's not up to us. If the murderer hasn't been caught, an autopsy will definitely be needed to solve the case."

"What! Autopsy!" The old lady was so excited that she almost lost her breath.

"Calm down, I don't have a second three hundred!"

The old lady pushed her away hard, and asked with red eyes: "Whoever allowed it, who allowed the autopsy! Everyone is dead, why torture him! Is it you, did you agree to the autopsy! I knew you didn't have good intentions Yes, when he was sent here, you hated all kinds of things, and even said that you would send him away, it was you, and you always wanted to kill him!"

My aunt was so wronged that she stuck her neck: "I'm not a fool, is it my turn to make a decision about this kind of thing? Even if I could make a decision, I wouldn't make such a decision! He was sent back when he was in poor health , is always sick, what condition does our family have, how can we afford to raise a sick child, and let him die of illness under your hands, it is better to give it to a rich person to raise, maybe he can grow into a precious young master, am I not Are you thinking about him?"

"For his sake? You just don't want to raise him, you are just greedy for other people's money, you said, how much benefit did you get from the family you called back and wanted to leave the child, if I didn't drive them away, you Are you rich now?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I really never thought of making such immoral money! They are all support teachers, infertile, and they like children very much. The family conditions are very good. I have inquired clearly. I really like children, will I agree? I was also doing it for his own good. He was sick at that time, and you had no money to send him to the hospital. Wouldn’t it be better to let someone adopt him if you waited for death? Later, you drove him away Yes, he is a really kind person, and he even gave the child a red envelope, if it weren't for that red envelope, you would have sent the child to the hospital, and the child would have survived?"

The old lady opened her mouth, unable to refute, and finally said in a muffled voice, "Anyway, my child cannot be given away."

The aunt pouted: "I see, didn't I mention it again later?"

The old lady muffled: "Who agreed to the autopsy?"

The aunt sighed: "Your useless son."

The old lady clenched her fists: "You usually hit too lightly."

Aunt: "He also wanted to catch the murderer. Everyone died. Could it be that the death was for nothing, and the murderer was allowed to go unpunished?"

"Has the murderer caught?"

"I don't know. The police station said they were arrested, but they haven't told us who it is."

"It's not just you." The old lady lay down on her back.

Seeing the old lady close her eyes, the aunt curled her lips: "We don't care about him, but we never thought of harming him. After all, we are a family."

"Understood, you should go back early."

"I want to accompany you at night, are you afraid at night? The hospital is always not very clean."

"What are you afraid of? I'm already my age."

"Age does not mean courage."

The old lady waved her hand: "I'm not afraid, if there are really unclean things, that's fine, I want to see him too, even if I become a ghost, I want to see him once."

My aunt trembled a bit: "You are so courageous."

In the end, the aunt forced her to stay, but the old lady didn't drive him away, she was a little angry, and turned her back to her.

In the middle of the night, the old lady fell asleep in a daze, but vaguely felt that her consciousness seemed to be awake.

The smog surrounds the mountains, and there seems to be a familiar person on the top of the mountain.

She stretched out her hand to wave away the smoke in front of her eyes, and saw the man clearly.

"Sun! Is that you?"

"Grandma, it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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