Chapter 169 Strawberry Flavored Candy
Waking up from the dream, Little Taotie happily put on beautiful clothes and trousers, smelled the smell of biscuits and ran downstairs, and saw Tao Shen had already baked a plate of small biscuits.

"Come on, the next set is waiting for you to make together!"

The little Taotie cheered, and began to choose the grinding tools, and made small biscuits under Tao Shen's guidance.

After breakfast, I study with Hua Jinyan, and then I have another delicious meal. I get a lot of praise and compliments when I get [-] points in the test. In the evening, I can listen to all kinds of interesting stories, plus the story of the ugly duckling every day.

The days are beautiful like a dream.

As the ugly duckling said, "I dare not dream of having so much happiness."

After five days of study, he can rest for two days. Little Taotie calculated the time and was going to the hospital to see his pretty sister.

The seven-day appointment arrived, and a dark gray mist overflowed from the beautiful girl's forehead, surrounding her strand by strand.

The girl guarded the door of the hospital, her sanity became a little confused, and many pictures of her life before her death gradually blurred in her mind, her resentment enveloped her, and her beautiful face turned gray.

"Beautiful sister, you didn't commit suicide, you were killed by someone!" Little Taotie appeared in front of the girl, and gently grabbed her forehead with his small hand, and the cloud of mist was pulled out by the little Taotie like a cocoon. into a pink candy.

"Ah woo!"
Little Taotie squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's strawberry flavored!"

She looked in one direction, made a launching motion with her hands, and Doom was launched.

Hua Jinyan looked at the dazed girl at the moment, and explained: "The resentment has been eaten by her, and she turned the resentment into bad luck, and the bad luck will soon befall the person who harmed you, and he will show his flaws."

The grayness on the girl's face faded, and she turned into the original beautiful and bright look. She lowered her eyes, knowing that her time was running out, and she looked into the distance reluctantly.

She misses her family and her dreams.

"I want to know who killed me, otherwise I can't leave."

Hua Jinyan saw that she did not have any signs of leaving, as if her wish had not been fulfilled and she could not be reincarnated for a long time, so she sighed like a little adult: "Then wait a little longer."

As soon as he got home, Cheng Guodong received a call from the police station.

"They have nothing to do with my sister."

"They have nowhere to go, what does it have to do with my sister?"

"Go to a relative's house, an orphanage, there are so many places to go, why should the twins rely on my sister? My sister is just a child, but I can't support them!"

"Okay, I'm going to hang up."

Cheng Guodong was about to hang up the phone, but Xiao Taotie grabbed the hem of his clothes. She raised her head and tilted her head and asked, "Twins? Are they my younger siblings?"

Cheng Guodong frowned.

The policeman on the other end of the phone actually asked Xiao Taotie to answer the phone.

Cheng Guodong's eyes darkened. Who are the people in the police station in this small place?

Cheng Guodong held his breath and wished he could hang up the phone.

"Brother, are they my younger siblings?" Little Taotie asked again.

Qin Xin stepped forward, took the phone in Cheng Guodong's hand, asked about the situation, looked down at Xiao Taotie, and said, "Your brother and sister ran away from relatives' homes and went to the police station. They said they wanted to find you but couldn't find them." Arrived, so the police found your manager's phone number and wanted to find you."

"They want to look for me?" Little Taotie thought for a while and asked, "It's because I'm too hungry, do you want something delicious from me?"

"It can also be understood that they want to rely on you."

"Before grandpa leaves, let me take care of them." Little Taotie tugged on Cheng Guodong's clothes, and said in a childish voice, "I'll go and see them. If they get better, I'll give them some delicious food. Now I'm working Yes, you can raise younger siblings."

 Fifth update~
(End of this chapter)

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