The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 170 The Overwhelming Sympathy Is Ridiculous

Chapter 170 The Overwhelming Sympathy Is Ridiculous
Tao Tiancheng managed to rush home and wanted to see his little girl, but his wife told him that the little girl had gone back to the police station in the mountains.

The old man urged: "Go over and have a look. Although Guodong and Xiaoxin are quite reliable, and the eldest grandson has also followed, I am still a little worried. You can go and have a look."

So Tao Tiancheng, who had just stepped into Tao's house, didn't even have time to drink tea, turned around and left again.


In the police station, the twins were surrounded by two policewomen, asking for their health.

The female policeman softened her heart when she saw such thin and pitiful children. When she saw their little hands full of frostbite, the balance in her heart was also crooked.

The caller was one of the female police officers. She had actually investigated and found out that the two children had nothing to do with the elder sister they mentioned. The girl had been trafficked and had no blood relationship with them at all.

But these two children are so pitiful. They were arranged to live with their relatives before. Who would have thought it would be so miserable. Now there are no relatives who can go there, and the only one who can take refuge is that elder sister.

They grew up together, so there should be some affection, right?

The policewoman heard that the girl's original family was very rich. After all, this family has raised their children for six years, so they should help take care of them for a while. When the parents of these two children are released from prison, they will naturally will pick up.

The policewoman and another policewoman were thinking about how to persuade the girl and her parents who were waiting to come.

"The little girl seems to be a little star now, doesn't she?"

"Yes, I'm a little famous."

"Since you are a star, you should be very concerned about your reputation. After all, you grew up together. You can't watch your younger siblings starve to death. Public figures must pay attention to a positive image."

"She is still young, so I don't think she has much right to speak. It depends on what her parents say."

"Her parents are rich, so what does it matter if she raises two more children?"

"That's true. Others have raised their children for six years."

It was the sound of the heavy lid of the teacup on the cup.

The two female policemen stopped communicating and looked at the old police boss who came over to be on duty.

The old policeman looked at the two with sharp eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Who asked you to investigate that girl, and who asked you to investigate her manager's phone number and call them to harass them?"

"We just called and asked, after all, they grew up together—"

"Bang!" There was another sound of the lid smashing the glass.

The policewoman shut her mouth in fright.

"You are messing around! You are acting with your personal feelings! Write a review, write a review for me!"

"I'm not wrong!" A stubborn female policeman poked her neck and said loudly, thinking she was just: "We policemen are here to help the people. Look at how thin these two children are. Skinny, with two hands Full of chilblains! We're just helping them find a home! We're doing good!"

"You're so funny!" The old policeman squinted at her coldly and sneered, "You can be sent home, you can be sent to an orphanage, or you can be taken back to your own home! The way you declare justice is to take innocent people Sacrificing personal interests to satisfy your greatness?"

"I..." The female policeman wanted to refute, she wanted to say that the environment of the place she rented was not good, she wanted to say that she couldn't take care of children, she thought of many excuses, but under the sharp and cold eyes of the old policeman, she couldn't say a single word. I can't say it, and feel that those excuses are weak, even ridiculous.

"I hope that you can fully realize your mistakes in the self-criticism you wrote, otherwise..." The old policeman turned cold and said flatly, "Don't be a policeman anymore, you are not qualified."

 Sixth more~
(End of this chapter)

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