Chapter 1690 Cubs Are Trapped
The three of them were terrified and did not dare to go in again, Loulan gave each of them a hammer, "Coward!"

Lou Lan strode forward and came directly to the candle.

The reason why the candle burned was quickly deciphered.

Candles have a support point. When a candle burns almost, it will tilt down, and the flame will naturally ignite the next candle, so even if no one is lighting candles here, as long as the candles are filled, the candles will be one after another. burn down.

The three breathed a sigh of relief.

Loulan rolled her eyes at the three of them, "Hurry up and keep up, I'm not as timid as two children."

Hearing this, the three of them looked over, only to realize that the two children followed Lou Lan in just now, without any hesitation or fear.

The three of them were a little embarrassed, looked at each other, and then quickly chased after them.

On the first floor of the ancient pagoda, there are many buildings, empty, without any decorations, not even murals, only candles burning one after another.

When you come to the end, you can see the stairs extending up, leading to the second floor of the ancient tower.

The three of them froze again.

Lou Lan didn't bother to enlighten the three cowards, so she took the lead and moved forward.

Behind her, always followed by two children.

Seeing that the two children also went up, there were no screams or screams from above, and it was obviously safe and sound. The three of them looked at each other and chose to climb up one by one.

Indeed, there was no sound from above, because Lou Lan, Xiao Taotie, and Hua Jinyan entered different floors.

It was the second time that Loulan entered, Xiao Taotie entered the third floor, and Hua Jinyan entered the fourth floor.

This seemingly ordinary ladder, but there is a big mystery in it.

The three members of the special department also entered different floors, the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors.

When they entered the floor and found that there was only one person, everyone realized that something was wrong. When they wanted to go down the stairs and leave here, they found that the stairs behind them had disappeared the moment they left. Looking down from the position, one can only see unfathomable darkness.

Little Taotie shouted towards the darkness: "Teacher! Hua Jinyan! Hey, hey, hey!"

Called for a long time, and no response.

Little Taotie stood on the edge, his little feet ready to move, wondering if he would die if he jumped down.

In the end she didn't jump down because someone was talking to her behind her.

She vaguely heard someone calling her: "Little Taotie...Little Taotie..."

Little Taotie wondered who was calling him, but when he looked back, he didn't see anyone.

With curiosity, the little girl walked slowly towards the source of the sound.

Her eyes were a little dazed, and her pupils were a little loose. The closer she was to the source of the sound, the darker her eyes became, and gradually they became hollow...

Finally arrived at the source of the sound, Xiao Taotie's perspective was pitch black.

But there was a dead branch in front of her.

It was this dead branch that was calling her, calling her to come here.

The dead branch started to squirm as if alive, and at the same time, green leaves began to sprout on its body, and the green leaves gradually grew, and a vine or green rhizome protruded from it, and it moved towards the little Taotie, like a The green boa constrictor entangled the little girl bit by bit.

It has wrapped the little Taotie very tightly, the little girl's body is like a chicken, section by section.

Her breathing became vaguely unsteady, and the green "boa constrictor" finally climbed up to her neck, about to wrap itself around her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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