Chapter 1691

At the same time, the horse-faced bell shook wildly, and a fiery red fox flew out of it. The fox was illusory and transparent, but it opened its mouth and actually bit off the vine.

The broken vines fell to the ground and turned into dots of light, while the dead branches and sprouting new leaves all became lower and transparent in an instant. It turned out that they were also illusory and transparent, but they were too solid before to become Believed to be real.

Feng Qi narrowed her eyes and looked at the thing in front of which the vines were crazily retracting into the dead branches, and sneered: "It's just a clone, I don't know where your body is?"

The dead branch seems to be afraid that someone will follow it to find its real body, or it is really afraid and dreading the existence of Feng Qi, it is becoming more and more blurred and transparent.

"Tsk! Do you want to run away?"

Feng Qi pounced on it, pinched the dead branch tightly with her claws, and finally the transparency of the dead branch did not fall any more, but froze and remained motionless.

Little Taotie gradually came to his senses, and upon waking up, he saw Feng Qi clutching a dry branch, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Feng Qi: "Quick, put it into the horse face bell."

Although he didn't know what happened, Xiao Taotie, who lost his mind for a short time, knew that he must have been hypnotized or controlled, and it was Feng Qi who saved him.

She didn't delay, but hurried to collect the dead branches into the horse face bell.

Feng Qi exhaled, and slumped on Little Taotie's shoulders tiredly, "I almost ran out of spiritual energy."

"What just happened?"

Under Feng Qi's telling, little Taotie finally realized that the dead branch was the culprit.

"You mean that this is just a clone, there may be a big tree, and the big tree is the body of the dead branch."

Feng Qi nodded: "Perhaps, if you find that big tree, you will be able to find your grandfather's head."


Feng Qi loosened his nose, "I asked the old guy's smell on the dead branch, it's very faint, it should come from the main body."

"Really!" Little Taotie's eyes lit up, "Is grandpa's head all right?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "I don't know, I shouldn't be dead if I die, but I don't know what it will be like to live."

"Shall I release it now and torture it?" Little Taotie's voice was fierce.

Feng Qi shook her head: "Farewell, if it is released, what should I do if it runs away? It is very cunning. If I hadn't strangled it just now, it would have turned into a swimming snake and ran away."

"Then what should we do?" Little Taotie asked anxiously.

"I asked my apprentice to press for questions. Don't worry, I will definitely be able to ask."

Little Taotie worried: "She doesn't look like a good torturer."

Feng Qi gave the little girl a sideways look: "Are you a good hand at torture?"

Little Taotie waved his small fist: "I am strong, if it doesn't tell the truth, I will break it! I will also set fire to it, and burn the dead branches into a ball of ashes!"

"It has no lethality at all, and it is not a real entity. Be careful that it uses illusions to confuse you. Then you will break your own thigh, and you will probably burn yourself."

Little Taotie: " sounds a bit scary."

"Don't worry, even if my apprentice is soft-hearted, her husband is not."

Little Taotie sighed: "Okay, I hope I can ask."

For a long time, Feng Qi waited until Ah Piao came out from the bell on the horse's face to report.

Feng Qi frowned: "I'll go in and have a look, it's been too long."

After Feng Qi entered, there was another long wait.

Little Taotie almost fell asleep, finally, Feng Qi came out.

Feng Qi cursed: "The inside has been invaded!"

(End of this chapter)

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