Chapter 1692 The Devil's Chocolate Is Eaten Up (Repaired)
Little Taotie was stunned for a moment, then he opened his mouth, his face was full of disbelief, and his big eyes fluttered: "It... has grown up?"

"It grew a lot of new shoots, took root in the horse face bell, and absorbed the power in it crazily. Now the new shoots have turned into many vines, growing overwhelmingly. Whether it is burned or cut with a knife, it doesn't matter to those vines effect."

"It... absorbed the power from the horse-faced bell? The power came from..." Little Taotie had a bad feeling.

Feng Qi raised her eyelids, and told her the cruel news: "There is not one left of the evil spirit chocolate and ghost candy you put in it."

Little Taotie clenched his fists: "I'm so mad!"

Feng Qi sighed: "What should we do now?"

Little Taotie tried to take a deep breath, and finally made an evaluation. His face was serious like never before, and his eyes were fierce. "Let's find a way to find its body first, and we'll talk about it when we find Grandpa's head."

Feng Qi nodded: "Anyway, it's inside, and it will come out for a while, and it doesn't want to come out, maybe there is another possibility."

"What possibility?"

"When it grows stronger and the clone is expected to be stronger than the main body, under the fuel of ambition, we don't need us to destroy the main body. It can't wait to want the main body to perish. It has never devoured the power of the main body and becomes the main body by itself. Not just a clone."

"Is there such a possibility?" Little Glutton sighed: "Then do I have to contribute some evil spirit chocolate to make it stronger?"

Feng Qi's eyes lit up, and the fox's eyes were full of smiles: "Are you willing?"

Little Taotie shook his head resolutely: "I don't want to."

Feng Qi stopped laughing, and said earnestly: "I don't want the child to be unable to trap the wolf."

Little Taotie stretched out his white and tender arms: "Give the wolf a child."

The corner of Feng Qi's mouth twitched: "You would rather be eaten than your chocolate and candy?"

Little Taotie hummed twice: "I just don't want to part with it."

Feng Qi tried her best to do ideological work for her, but the little girl covered her ears directly.

Feng Qi chose to give up, and suddenly asked: "Where's Hua Jinyan?"

Only then did Xiao Taotie remember that he was separated from them, "I don't know, we may have entered a different place when we went up the stairs, are they in danger, we have to find them quickly!"

"I'll go and have a look first." Feng Qi was floating in the first place, so even if she jumped into the abyss where the original stairs were, she would not fall to the bottom.

Little Taotie looked down, but could no longer see Feng Qi, and could only stare at the dark abyss in a daze.

She picked up the horse face bell, put it down, picked it up again, her tangled eyebrows were already knotted.

When Feng Qipiao came up, she saw Little Taotie's little fleshy face that was about to turn into a little bitter gourd.

"You're back!" Little Taotie looked at Feng Qi.

Feng Qi nodded: "I saw Loulan, Hua Jinyan is not below, it should be above."

"How is the teacher?"

"A bit miserable, but not life-threatening."

"Where are you going!" Seeing Feng Qi rushing towards the abyss, the little Taotie hurriedly asked, "Can I go down to save Teacher?"

"Don't go anywhere, just wait for me here. After I bring Hua Jinyan, you go and save her. She won't die for a while."

It disappeared into the darkness, the little Taotie sighed, the little man looked old-fashioned.

She swayed the silent horse-face bell, and was once again tangled.

Firstly, she is really reluctant to part with chocolate and candy, and secondly, she is afraid that if she eats too many dead branches, she will become too strong, and instead of turning against the main body, she will become the main body's helper, and it will be over. , joining forces, the strength must be terrifying.

Feng Qi brought back Hua Jinyan who was injured, Hua Jinyan took out all the chocolates and handed them to Little Taotie without saying a word, "Give it to eat."

Little Taotie hesitated: "What if they join forces?"

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "Become strong enough, and will never be relegated to being a clone."

Little Taotie nodded in front of Hua Jinyan when he saw Hua Jinyan was full of confidence.

Anyway, the chocolate is not hers, since Hua Jinyan is willing, she can only agree.

Feng Qi rolled the chocolate with her big tail, then entered the horse-faced bell, and came out after a while: "It's a bit small, I've eaten it all."

(End of this chapter)

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