Chapter 1698
"So many... are they all batteries?"

"There is such a possibility, it is just a speculation."

"Can you make such a guess just based on your intuition? Your brain is so big."

Little Taotie climbed onto Hua Jinyan's bed, and touched Hua Jinyan's skull with his small hands.

Seeing her bare feet, Hua Jinyan hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover her feet.

Hua Jinyan's face turned red.

After Xiao Taotie touched his skull, he said solemnly: "Your head is so round."

Hua Jinyan's face turned even redder.

Xiao Taotie's next sentence made his face turn pale, "Such a round head is very suitable for shaving, you are suitable to be a Taoist monk."

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie discussed seriously: "When you grow up, you can shave and show me. I can see if your brain is white or not. It has been hidden under the hair, so I can't see it."

Hua Jin said: " it important whether it is white or not?"

"It's important, the brains of an eminent monk must be very white."

Hua Jin said: "I should not be in vain."

"Why not in vain, you have done a lot of good deeds, completed many tasks, and also solved a lot of A Piao. Although your merit is a little bit worse than mine, it is still a lot, enough to be a high-spirited monk."

"I never thought about becoming a monk. I want to start a family when I grow up."

"Get married and start a business?" Little Taotie tilted his head: "But you already have a career now, you don't need to wait to grow up, you are just short of getting married, never mind, you can become a monk on the day you get married like Ji Gong."

Hua Jin said: " want me to become a monk?"

Little Taotie nodded seriously: "I want to see your naked, white brain."

Hua Jin said: "...If you want to see, I can shave my head, there is no need to wait for me to become a monk."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up: "Yes, you can also shave your head! Then what do you mean by shaving your head? Shall I shave it for you?"

Hua Jin said: "...are you really human?"

"Otherwise? I'm not joking."

She has such a strong curiosity because she heard from Brother Shen that if she hadn't met herself, Hua Jinyan would have stayed in Shaolin Temple for the rest of her life. In this life, I will practice Buddhism quietly.

It's hard for Xiao Taotie to imagine what Hua Jinyan will look like when he grows up in Shaolin Temple, and what it will be like to meditate and practice Buddhism after he is ordained. That's why he has this curiosity.

Although Brother Shen didn't have any basis for saying these things, it was completely like a fool, but Little Taotie vaguely felt that maybe this was the case, just like what Hua Jinyan said, probably this was a kind of intuition, in which he vaguely felt that things It will be just like Brother Gentleman said.

If Hua Jinyan hadn't met him, he would have been hiding in Shaolin Temple because he was vulnerable to being attacked by A Piao, and the colorful relics would not be found, and would always be in the hands of gangsters, so he could not leave Shaolin Temple for the rest of his life. In the end, I can only become a monk, otherwise I can’t just stay in Shaolin Temple for the rest of my life. When I was young, I could say that I stayed in Shaolin Temple to learn art, but when I grow up, I will be more or less disgusted. Only when I become a monk can I be truly left behind.

While Xiao Taotie was in a daze, Hua Jinyan found an electric razor.

Little Taotie was surprised: "Is there really a razor in the castle?"

Hua Jinyan handed her the razor, stretched out his neck, and moved his head to her, "Come on."

Little Taotie: "You won't regret it, will you?"

Hua Jinyan shrugged indifferently: "Hair grows fast, if you shave it, you shave it, there is nothing to regret."

(End of this chapter)

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