Chapter 1699

It was the first time for Xiao Taotie to shave his head, so it was not so smooth. It was bumpy at first. Looking at Hua Jinyan's messy crew cut, he laughed for a long time, and then processed it for the second time, and finally Shaved his head round.

Looking at Hua Jinyan's white brain, Little Taotie rolled on the bed with a smile.

Hua Jinyan touched his bald head: "Is it so funny?"

Little Taotie laughed until his eyes filled with tears, and stared at his head with big watery eyes, "It's so round and white, it looks like a big dumpling."

Hua Jin said: "..."

The little Taotie was drooling uncontrollably.

Hua Jin said: "..."

After sucking for a while, the little Taotie wiped his mouth: "I am not greedy for you."

Hua Jin said: "...why do I not believe it?"

Little Taotie hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head: "No! It just looks...a bit like glutinous rice balls, I'm hungry."

Little Taotie reached out to touch the horse-faced bell, only then remembered that the chocolate in the horse-faced bell had long been eaten by the withered vines.

Both she and Hua Jinyan are out of stock now!

"There's no more chocolate, shall we grab some?" Little Taotie's eyes sparkled.

Hua Jinyan pressed her little feet that were about to step out: "Calm down, goodbye today, I'm tired."

Little Taotie took back her feet silently, it was chilly under the quilt, she subconsciously found a warm place, which was Hua Jinyan's feet, "Your feet are so warm."

Hua Jinyan's face flushed red.

Little Taotie looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you blushing? You have a white head, which makes your face even redder. Let me tell you, even if you have no hair, there are still many flowers blooming on the top of your head, don't you?" Do you like me very much? Hee hee hee..." The little girl felt ashamed as she spoke, she covered her face and rolled in bed: "Now there are so many people who like me, I'm so happy~~~"

Hua Jinyan touched his bald head, and felt that the shaved head was worth it.

At some point, the two children fell into a deep sleep.

After Loulan checked the corpse and washed it, she came over to look at the two children. She thought the two children were in separate beds, but when she got here, she found that the two children were nestled in the same bed.

and many more!

Are you dazzled?

Lou Lan rubbed her eyes and looked calmly.

Where did this dumpling come from?

Round and round brains, for nothing.

Suddenly, facing the last pair of opened eyes, there was a pair of very calm eyes.

I saw Hua Jinyan put his finger in front of his lips and made a silent movement.

Loulan didn't even think about waking them up, but just wanted to see if they were sleeping well. After going through so many things today, she was a little worried that the two children would have nightmares. Although they looked calm, it was a colleague who died in front of them after all. , and carried the dead body, it is difficult for most people to bear, and they will not be able to sleep, let alone two children.

What surprised her was that the two children actually slept well, but Hua Jinyan's vigilance is too strong, or he sleeps too lightly, which is not good for health.

Loulan made a gesture of drinking water, intending to ask Hua Jinyan if he wanted milk.

Hua Jinyan shook his head.

Seeing that Little Taotie was in a deep sleep and her face was flushed, Lou Lan felt relieved and gestured to leave.

Hua Jinyan nodded.

Only then did Lou Lan tiptoe out, and gently closed the door behind her.

Hua Jinyan looked at the little Taotie who was sleeping soundly beside him, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stretched out his finger and gently scratched the bridge of her nose.

Little Taotie hummed twice, subconsciously scratched his nose with his little hand, then turned around and continued to sleep soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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