Chapter 1700 Had a nightmare

He thought he would fall asleep peacefully that night, but after an hour, Little Taotie suddenly kicked off the quilt, and waved his little hands, as if he was fighting against something in his dream.

In the dream, she returned to the ancient pagoda, this time Feng Qi did not come out to save her, she was entangled by vines, which had already strangled her neck.

Hua Jinyan looked at her worriedly, while she stretched out her hand to protect her neck, as if someone had strangled her neck, and her face also turned a liver color.

"Wake up, are you having a nightmare? Wake up..."

Hua Jinyan's call had no effect at all.

Little Taotie was immersed in a dream, so real.

It became more and more difficult to breathe, and the breathing of the little Taotie outside the dream also became difficult and weak.

The vines choked her neck.

In reality, her hands changed from protecting her neck to pinching her own.

Hua Jinyan feels that something is wrong, it should not be just a simple dream.

His eyes fell on the pair of horse-faced bells that Little Taotie was still tied around his waist while sleeping.

One of the horse-faced bells moved slightly. Although it was so subtle that it was almost invisible, Hua Jinyan was still keenly aware of it.

This horse face bell is a bell with dead branches.

The dead branches in the ancient pagoda can use the illusion to harm people, and now they must use the dream to harm the little Taotie by some means!

Hua Jinyan reached out to untie the bell, and Feng Qi floated out of the other bell.

Feng Qi stopped his movement, "Little Taotie needs to practice, I can't be by her side forever, in today's ancient pagoda, if I don't show up, she will become the fourth corpse."

"She can't breathe!"

"I know in my heart, she can still persist, let her try."

Hua Jinyan's outstretched hand hesitated, as if he still wanted to untie the bell on the horse's face.

Feng Qi sighed: "Hua Jinyan, this is just a dream."

"Didn't you see that she was pinching her own neck!"

"She will wake up the moment before she is strangled to death. Of course, I hope that she will not be at the last moment, but will be able to distinguish the dream from reality."

"I cannot accept her suffering."

"You untie it, today it prevents her from suffering, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, can you guarantee that you are always by her side? Even if you are always by her side, you can guarantee that no one is stronger than you , in front of your eyes, let you watch her being tortured?"

The God of War back then couldn't keep her.

Now you, a mere mortal who doesn't know whether it is the god of war distracted or the reincarnation of the god of war, can you protect her?
Feng Qi smiled wryly and shook her head: "Hua Jinyan, if she wants to grow up by herself, she doesn't need anyone's protection, she can be her own umbrella."

If the God of War back then had such awareness, maybe it would have been another ending, right?
Feng Qi sighed deeply, looked at Hua Jin seriously, and said, "It is really beneficial to her to let her grow up on her own."

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips, with a complicated look on his face.

He lowered his eyelids, thick eyelashes covered his eyes, Feng Qi couldn't see his eyes, and didn't know what choice he would make.

If he insisted on taking off the horse-faced bell, Feng Qi would not be able to stop him, after all, she was only a spirit body.

After all, Hua Jinyan did not move forward with the hand that was in mid-air, but slowly retracted it. He lowered his eyes, not daring to look at the little Taotie's painful face, for fear that he would change his decision in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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