Chapter 1701 Slow Motion in Dreamland
Illusion, everything is just an illusion.

Little Taotie gradually realized that she was in a dream, and the reason why she was able to comprehend it so quickly was because she had been dreaming before, and most of the time she read those dreams from the perspective of a third party as if reading a story or a memory.

But this time, the feeling of suffocation has reached a certain level, which is puzzling.

It's also because in reality, she is pinching herself. After all, it's her body that doesn't hit her hard.

As a result, the time to death is prolonged.

In the dream, the little Taotie had been strangled by vines for too long, and he should have suffocated to death, but he was still alive. After a long time, people calmed down.

"Let... let go." Her voice was very hoarse, it was like a broken gong voice produced after being pinched by gravity.

The vines tried to exert more force, but the strength on Xiao Taotie's neck was insignificant.

In reality, Little Taotie gradually loosened his grip on his hands, and gradually fell to his sides.

Seeing Xiao Taotie's hand leave his neck, Hua Jinyan and Feng Qi both heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, Feng Qi is not very sure, but she is ready to meet at any time, but now it seems that there is no need.

Little Taotie is still in a dream, she has already realized that this is a dream, as long as she wants, she can get rid of this dream at any time, but Little Taotie didn't want to leave immediately, but wanted to see if she could get out of this dream. Discovered something.

After the vine realized that it had been seen through, it retracted crazily.

In the end, the thing that seemed to show its teeth and claws turned into an ordinary dead branch. Who would have thought that it would stretch out countless vines like an octopus just a second ago.

Little Taotie slowly approached the dead branch. In the dream, it is actually very difficult to consciously control one's body. He wanted to walk over quickly, but when it came time to implement it, he moved forward slowly.

Little Taotie's bending over is also very slow, and even has a snail-like déjà vu, slow motion and slow motion.

The main reason is that the dead branch has tampered with her body in the dream, and has been interfering with her body control, but it is not easy for the dead branch to maintain this dream, and it is impossible to isolate Xiao Taotie's consciousness.

In the end, the dead branch broke the boat, completely destroying the dream just before the little Taotie touched it.

The surrounding scenes scattered like shattered glass piece by piece, and Xiao Taotie's consciousness was expelled, and she suddenly returned to her body. The moment she regained consciousness, her body shook three times extremely quickly .

"You're awake!" Feng Qi floated over excitedly.

Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Taotie's hand, he didn't say anything, but there seemed to be thousands of words in his eyes.

Little Taotie exhaled, feeling a little pain in his neck, and reached out to touch his neck.

Feng Qi conjures the illusion of a mirror in mid-air.

Little Taotie saw himself through the fantasy mirror, his neck was red, and there were fingerprints left by two small hands.

Little Taotie looked at Hua Jin in shock and said, "You want to strangle me while I'm asleep?"

Hua Jin said: "..."

Feng Qi couldn't hold it back, she laughed, belly laughing, her big tail twitched: "You did it yourself, you almost strangled yourself to death with your own hands."

This time it was Little Taotie who was speechless. The little girl widened her eyes, as if she was listening to the Arabian Nights. She pointed at herself with an expression of disbelief: "How is it possible? I'm dreaming."

"Did you get caught by the quilt in your dream?" Feng Qi asked.

Little Taotie nodded: "It was strangled by vines."

(End of this chapter)

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