Chapter 1707 Must still be in the candle
Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan were forced to eat melons, because the battle was too fierce, and they didn't know how to get in for a while.

In addition, neither side knows whether it is an enemy or a friend, so it is not good to help anyone.

Xiao Taotie still remembers that Dead Branch used the dream to want to die, so he still regards Dead Branch as an enemy.

And the mushrooms on the head of this ancient costume A Piao are growing wildly, densely packed, obviously they are also enemies.

Little Taotie rubbed his little hands, secretly expecting the two sides to fight to the death and die together.

"Hua Jinyan, do you think we can pick up the leak?"

"Catch the leak?"

"When they both lose, we will solve both of them directly."

"Keep your voice down."

It was too late, the two of them who were fighting each other stopped at this moment, A Piao in ancient costume stared at the little Taotie with gloomy eyes, the whites of the eyes could not be seen, the blackness of the eyes seemed to have substance.

Little Taotie shrank his neck, like a prey being targeted.

Hua Jinyan took a step forward and stood in front of the little Taotie, covering A Piao's thick and vicious eyes in ancient costume.

The horse-faced bell floating in the air shook crazily. Although the horse-faced bell had no ringtone, the blasting sound due to the rapid movement in the air was so loud, like loud bells.

The dead branch in the horse-faced bell seems to express dissatisfaction with this sound, which is also very similar to the sound of breaking wind made by quickly whipping the air with a branch.

Little Taotie covered his ears, and the little milk voice was full of dissatisfaction: "The bell is mine, why did it use it as a turtle shell?"

Feng Qi appeared on Xiao Taotie's shoulder, narrowed her eyes slightly, and stared at A Piao in ancient costume as if facing a formidable enemy.

A Piao in ancient costume didn't expect that there was a fox A Piao whose aura was almost as powerful as his own, was a bit strange, this aura didn't quite resemble the one in this world.

Feng Qi soared into the sky, as if she didn't want to lose to the opponent in terms of momentum. After all, the fox looks like a cute pet no matter how she looks. She is like a demon god, and she has become a beauty in red clothes. This kind of beauty is extremely attractive. There is also a sense of purity and innocence between the eyebrows, which is the most charming lily and rose knotted together.

The face is as gentle as an angel but reveals the agility of a sly witch. This kind of beauty makes people feel ashamed.

But women's jealousy is also because of this difference in appearance, the more they feel ashamed, the more the demons in their hearts grow. A Piao in ancient costume has more gloomy eyes, grinning, and the dense teeth in his mouth , like a shark's teeth, sharp and sharp, she opened her mouth wide and bit Feng Qi.

This look of wanting to devour Feng Qi is not just for show, but really ruthless.

For A Piao, each of them is a spirit body, and devouring is the easiest way to become stronger. Many ghost kings become stronger by devouring spirit bodies.

A Piao in ancient costume is obviously also good at this.

This little gluttonous face paled a little.

A Piao who is good at devouring and even thinks devouring is the most powerful move, will he keep the spirit bodies of his three colleagues?

The spirit body that has just died is the purest and most "replenishing".

Hua Jinyan noticed the abnormality of Xiao Taotie, and worriedly asked: "What's the matter, what's wrong? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Little Taotie shook her head: "I'm not feeling sick, I'm just worried..." She looked at the three candles.

The flame on the candle was still burning at the moment.

She comforted herself that the flame was on but not extinguished, which meant that the spirit still existed, maybe it was just sealed in the candle,

(End of this chapter)

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