Chapter 1708 Close to Three Candles (Repaired)
Hua Jinyan looked in the direction where the candle was, and then looked at Feng Qi who was rushing towards Feng Qi. He opened his mouth and bit like a mad dog in ancient costume, and he realized it instantly.

Xiao Taotie was worried that the spirit bodies of the three colleagues had been swallowed up by this ancient costume A Piao.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Jinyan suddenly had the same guess.

He was more rational, and he didn't try to comfort himself that he was thinking too much, but his eyes fell on the flames, trying to find an answer.

"Let's go and have a look." Hua Jinyan walked towards the three candles.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to stop him, "We can't get close, it will be extinguished—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

At this moment, Hua Jinyan was very close to the three candles, there was no strange wind, and the flames on the three candles did not change.

"Strange, why didn't the wind blow?" Little Taotie followed, stood behind Hua Jinyan and poked her head out to observe the three candles carefully. Her breathing was very light and slow, for fear of accidentally blowing out the candles.

Hua Jinyan looked thoughtfully at A Piao in ancient costume who was fighting Feng Qi.

When they got close to the three candles at first, she should have caused the strange wind, but now she was too busy to take care of herself, so she didn't make any more wind.

From this point of view, she probably didn't want someone to take the candle away.

Why stop someone from taking a candle when there's nothing there and it's not necessary?
Then there is only one possibility, there is something she needs in the candle or the flame, but the time has not come, and she cannot take it out yet.

Will it be similar to the concept of the dead man over the head seven, which can only be swallowed after a certain time?

Or choose a certain time point to devour, the effect will be greater.

Thinking about this, Hua Jinyan heaved a sigh of relief, they came to look for the spirit bodies of the three colleagues, if they did not find the spirit bodies, Little Taotie would be very sad.

Hua Jin said, "They're fine."

Little Taotie felt that Hua Jinyan's tone was too firm, as if he had already confirmed that the spirit bodies of the three colleagues were fine.

She looked at Hua Jin suspiciously and said, "Is there a sentence for this?"

Hua Jinyan nodded: "The gust of wind at the beginning should have been created by that A Piao, the purpose was to keep us from getting close to the three candles, and we did not get close because we were afraid of hurting our three companions. At that time, I thought we were alive. People, the yang energy on their bodies will hurt them, this is also the illusion that Ah Piao wants to create for us."

"Why did she do this? She doesn't look afraid of us, so she doesn't need to do these little tricks, does she? Just show up and drive us away."

"She's not sure, look, she's in a tough fight right now. Yesterday, she should have been watching us from the dark, knowing that we have helpers by my side, Feng Qi should be the one to be afraid of."

"She prevented us from approaching the three candles..." Little Taotie's eyes lit up, "Because the spirit body is in the three candles, she is worried that we will take the candles?"

"That should be the case, so their spirit bodies should be safe and sound."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "But, why didn't she devour it?"

"It should be waiting for a certain opportunity, and the effect of time devouring will be the best."

Little Taotie nodded, and stretched out his hand to take away the candles, "Then we must take them away, and when we get back, let Brother Nie see what's going on, Brother Nie knows a lot."

"Don't move them!" In the distance, A Piao in ancient costume who was trembling with Feng Qi screamed sharply: "I don't want them to be scattered, don't move!"

"You must be lying to us!" Xiao Taotie shouted angrily at her: "We have seen through your tricks, you don't want us to take them away, you want to wait until a certain time to eat them."

(End of this chapter)

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