Chapter 1802 Putting down weapons and surrendering
The man was quietly approaching with an ax in his hand. When the eldest son saw his father coming out from behind the tree, he began to tremble, obviously afraid of being beaten.

"I won't go."

The village head's daughter-in-law glanced at the man, and spoke bitterly and with difficulty.

"Go to the cellar." The man growled in a low voice, like a mad dog, and the ax in his hand chopped down the tree indiscriminately. The big tree was cut down, and the man cursed: "Bitch, I don't know a word you said. Will believe it!"

The eldest son wanted to say a few words for his mother, but he was frightened when he saw his father chopping down trees frantically, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Those little ones also shrunk back to the thickness of the wall, and no longer dared to poke their heads out to look around.

Did the village chief's daughter-in-law go back to the cellar by herself, or closed the door by herself.

She didn't dare to leave, because she was afraid that the man would go crazy and hack her to death, and she was even more afraid that the man would turn his anger on the child. A spoiled child will be completely abandoned.

The cellar is very dark, you can't see your fingers when you reach out, and you have no sense of direction.

She wept silently.

She knew that this might be the only chance to be free, but she... had no choice but to give up.

There are many women who have the same choice as her.

When the men heard the words brought by the village chief, they forced the children to hug their mother's legs and cry. Some women were cruel, and immediately shook off the children, and even looked at their own children with eyes that looked at dirty things.

But more women choose to squat down and hug their children, crying with them.

Some gave up and left, holding the child back to the man in silence, but some just hugged the child tightly, as if they wanted to take the child away with them, but how could this be possible?
The villagers may let the women go, but these children will never be taken away.

With farm work guys in their hands, they confronted the outsiders.

"You are policemen, you are soldiers, you dare to touch us ordinary people!"

"What do you want to do when you rush into the village? You can't grab things!"

"Is there any law left!"

Hearing the clamor of the villagers, Xiangxiang laughed angrily: "I should be asking you this, do you still have the law in your heart? Do you think your village is self-proclaimed king? You can do whatever you want?"

"What did we do? You doll has a pretty loud voice." The village chief came out with a cane.

He doesn't look like an old man, his skin is fair and delicate, his eyes are radiant, the most peculiar thing is his hair, the upper part is white hair, but the new hair is black.

It's like rejuvenating, like a dead tree growing in spring.

Seeing this scene, Xiangxiang narrowed her eyes dangerously, making people hear too much about a person with gray hair overnight, but it is the first time I have seen a white-haired old man grow black hair. There is only one possibility, his body Institutions... have a new life.

Combined with the container operating table incident, it can be seen that the village head not only participated in the shipment, but also participated in the operation and became a consumer.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, arrest them all." Xiangxiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with these legally illiterates.

Did they think they could stay in the village?Just relying on these farm tools in their hands?
"Don't come here! Don't come here!" The villagers yelled, waving their axes, shovels, and saws wildly.

But the opposing army, every soldier and policeman has a gun in his hand!
"Drop your arms and surrender, or we'll shoot."

(End of this chapter)

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