Chapter 1803

"Village chief, what's going on? It's different from what was discussed. They really dare to shoot?"


As soon as the words fell, the woman in red in the lead pulled the trigger.

The bullet came towards the village chief. The village chief's knee hurt and his crutch fell to the ground.

"Crack" again!
The village chief was shot in both knees and fell to his knees with a plop.

"village head!"

"Village Chief, are you alright!"

"How dare you shoot! How dare you!"

"You want to harm the people! Is there any law for the king!"

"You bloody killers!"

The villagers yelled and cursed, but no one dared to hold up the farm tools in their hands anymore. They all threw away the farm tools in their hands the first time the village chief was shot.

The village chief stared at Xiangxiang in disbelief, and said hoarsely, "How dare you!"

"If you resist or fight back, the next bullet will not be your knee, but..." Xiangxiang pointed to her forehead.

The village head flinched.

What he saw in the girl's eyes was full of malice, and there was no intention of joking at all.

Xiangxiang: "I kind of expect you to resist on a large scale, and then..." She looked at the troops behind her: "Let's have a large-scale shooting."

Someone at the police station lowered his voice: "This is too arrogant, you can't spread it!"

A recruit at the position of the army shouted: "Sweet!"

They also went on missions before, going to some villages to rescue abducted women and children, but they were always helpless in the face of those villagers, and they couldn’t really hurt them. Not allowed, they can't wait to beat those shameless things, and maybe some people can't wait to shoot.

It's just that in the end, I can only hold back, carry this kind of frustration to the end, and pay those people to replace those poor women and children. Some women even choose to stay in the mountains forever because their children are detained. Don't go back either.

Every time they saw such a scene, they felt very uncomfortable in their hearts, so uncomfortable that they beat their chests and feet, but they were helpless.

After they knew the general content of this mission, they thought it was similar to before, and they should be aggrieved again, but they didn't expect the leader to be so arrogant and beautiful, she was simply the goddess in their hearts!

Xiangxiang didn't know that she had been silently enshrined in her heart by these recruits.

After the village chief saw that the other party was not joking, he didn't dare to do it again. The original leisurely and calm expression disappeared, replaced by a tight frown. Suddenly, he was crying, kneeling on the ground and crying loudly: "God! Ah, open your eyes and see what we did wrong, they treat us like this, if God knows, he will punish you, you thugs!"

Xiang Xiang smiled: "The ability to beat back is really amazing, but unfortunately, there is no one to support you here! If God had eyes, he would have hacked you utterly unconscionable things to death!"

She looked at the members of Team Seven: "Tie them all up, take them all away, leave no one behind!"

"Where are the women and children?"

"Take them all away. They are all witnesses, and none of them is missing."

"What did we do wrong?" the village chief wailed.

"You still refuse to admit it? These women." Xiangxiang pointed at the women with her finger and asked, "Where did they all come from?"

The village head wept, with a grievance on his face: "It's all from the dowry money, and it's all from the next-door village's kiss!"

(End of this chapter)

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