Chapter 1810 The Secret in the Underground Passage
The official with his eyes closed in the portrait suddenly opened his eyes, and sinister flashed in those slender eyes.

"Fox demon, how dare you make trouble here!"

Feng Qi sneered: "Fox demon? It seems you don't have much knowledge."

Feng Qi turned around and turned into a human form, her smile continued: "Looking at you like this, you are not a good official. I think you did a lot of corrupt officials in your lifetime."

"Nonsense! This official is upright and loved by the people!"

"That's right, you do have some merits, but your merits are not used in the right place, and you should protect those who should not be sheltered."

"I protect my children and grandchildren, so how can I become someone who should not be protected? Little fox monster, dare to make trouble here. The village guard array just lacks a formation eye, so I use you as the formation eye to suppress those restless things. "

"The restless things you are talking about are those resentful souls who were persecuted by the villagers? Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you know everything, but you still want to protect them. If this is the case, you are not qualified to keep your merits."

Originally, Feng Qi thought that if he was really a good official, but he was only deceived by later generations to do stupid things, he could still be let go, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

The three figures had sneaked into the underground passage of the ancestral hall. They were the most clever three of the ghost servants, and they found the entrance of the passage while Feng Qi was talking to A Piao in the painting.

They heard howling and weeping from deep within the tunnel.


is alive!
Not only living people, but also many resentful souls.

The three Apiao cautiously approached the depths of the passage, and saw several doors, only one door was open, and inside the door was a laboratory with many strange chairs.

A Piao recognizes that this is a chair that binds people to the chair for clicking. It often appears in mental hospitals. He was "fortunately" experienced it before his death and knows the pain.

They floated into the other closed doors and saw people locked in cages, including men and women, old people and children.

Among these people, the sober ones were covered with injuries, and the unconscious ones should have been injected with something.

There are many corpses in the blood-stained door on the far left. The corpses have no internal organs, or there are many lesions on the body, and the body is densely packed with pinholes.

Those spirit bodies stood beside the corpse, and some were in a daze. Obviously, even the spirit bodies became demented and unconscious.

The three Apiao were frightened by the tragic situation here. It seemed that some kind of experiment was being done here, and people of different age groups were gathered for the experiment.

How many crimes have been committed in this village!
The three Ah Piao wanted to go back the same way, but found that they couldn't go back!

This passage turned out to be non-returnable, and the exit of the passage had guarded A Piao to prevent A Piao inside from going out, but now the three of them who came in could not get out!

Just when the three Ah Piao were anxious like headless chickens, they heard Feng Qi's call.

They can't go out, they can only pass the news through the ghost servant contract.

Knowing that they were stuck in the underground passage and couldn't get out, Feng Qi told them to wait until she cleaned up the painting before going to rescue them.

Feng Qi stopped talking nonsense about the painting, and whipped her big tail fiercely, knocking the painting to the ground.

The official in the painting flew out of the painting, and the official seal in his hand smashed towards Feng Qi.

One official seal carries the faith of the people and the merits of a lifetime, and ordinary little demons and ghosts can't stop it at all, and they will usually be crushed to death by his seal.

(End of this chapter)

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