Chapter 1811 Feng Qi smashes the official seal
With just a flick of Feng Qi's tail, the official seal was smashed in the wrong direction, and the official seal fell to the ground. Before he could pick it up, it was caught by Feng Qi's claws.

Feng Qi's human hand turned into a fox's paw in an instant, and when it was retracted, it turned back into a human hand, playing with the official seal in his hand.

It seals the belief of Wanmin and the merits of this official when he was alive. It can be seen that he was a good official before, but he just stayed in this ancestral hall. As time passed, he deteriorated due to selfishness.

People will change, in fact, A Piao will too.

Therefore, simple spirits will become ghost kings, evil spirits, resentful spirits, and so on.

This painting is no longer simply the bearer of the official's spirit body, and not all of the official's spirit body is here. People have three souls and seven souls, and at most there are souls sealed here.

So where are the other two souls and seven souls?
It's best to reincarnate, otherwise it's quite tricky.

To deal with one soul, Feng Qi already felt a bit difficult, if two souls and seven souls gathered here, even Feng Qi would have to pay a little price to subdue him.

"Give it back to me! Give me back the official seal!"

The eyes of the official standing in front of the painting began to change, the pupils became darker and smudged, the whites of the eyes were replaced by the blackness of the pupils, the official uniform was stained red with blood, and his merits turned into sins. There will be flames on the golden light of the attack, and those flames are evil debts.

"You are so disgusting, how dare you wear an official suit?" Feng Qi sneered mockingly: "This official seal is no longer worthy of use!"

Her hands turned into fox claws, and the official seal was crushed on the spot when the claws were close together.

The crushed official seals did not turn into scum and fell to the ground, but turned into streaks of golden light soaring into the sky.

"Come back!" The official tried to catch the golden light, but when his hand touched the golden light, he would feel burning, and flames appeared in the burned palm.

"You don't deserve this kind of merit and belief, and they don't want to be with you anymore." Feng Qi said coldly, her big tail turned into a nine-section whip, and the whip hit the official's palm. The flames falling on the nine-section whip did not hurt Feng Qi, but turned into a flame on the nine-section whip. Whenever the whip was pulled, the flame would burn the official's body.

The officer let out a scream.

He seems to have returned to ancient times, to the moment of torture.

He was originally a good official who pleaded for the people. When he took office, the people saw him off one after another. Their eyes were full of reluctance and respect for him.

At that time, he was full of ambitions, thinking of making great achievements in the imperial city.

The officials in the imperial city protected each other, and he wanted to reform, but was murdered time and time again.

Weapons were found in his mansion, and he was falsely accused of privately manufacturing weapons and selling them to other countries, which is a felony of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

He was put in prison without interrogation, only whipping.

This is torture!

He did not plead guilty, but a false confession was submitted, and the charges were settled.

The whole family was copied and chopped, and the nine clans were implicated!
On the day he was executed, he was the last person to be executed, watching all his relatives die because of him.

He looked and looked, but he didn't see his youngest son, but what he saw was the bookboy next to him.

The youngest son was successfully rescued!
There is still incense!
At the moment of execution, he thought, if a person can become a ghost after death, he would like to become a ghost to protect his youngest son.

Later, when he regained consciousness, he was already in the painting, and he saw an old man worshiping him, and behind the old man was a large family.

At the age of three, he recognized from his eyebrows that this was his youngest son.

The youngest son has turned into an old man, and the family that was exterminated has once again prospered.

Later, he guarded the family in the ancestral hall.

The people in this village are all his descendants, all descendants of the younger son's line.

(End of this chapter)

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