Chapter 1812 Revenge from Wraiths

The painting fell into Feng Qi's hands, Feng Qi was playing with the painting, doubts flashed in his eyes.

One soul is here, where are the two souls and seven souls?Could it be reincarnation?

The whipping is still going on, and that soul is close to collapse, becoming more and more transparent, and every time the whip falls, it will become more transparent.

At the same time, the seals and barriers trapping spirit bodies from the outside world also became transparent and thin.

Originally, when those wraiths wanted to attack the villagers, they would be bounced off by the invisible transparent cover, or would be set ablaze by the attack, and they would not be able to hurt the villagers at all.

Over the years, the people killed in this village became resentful spirits and stayed in the village, trying to attack the enemy again and again, but failed again and again. Finally, these seals and barriers were vulnerable and became thinner.

A resentful spirit broke through the thin barrier and came in front of the enemy.

He is a free travel enthusiast. He saw someone taking pictures of this village on the Internet, especially the ancient ancestral hall here. He wanted to see it, so he came here to travel and take pictures.

Who would have imagined that this is a terrifying village that never returns.

His car had a flat tire from the spilled nails on the ground, so he stopped the car, and suddenly a lot of strong men rushed forward, all of them with farm implements as weapons in their hands.

He got out of the car and was looted of everything. He thought it was just a robbery, but he was forcibly taken to the village. When he arrived in the village, he was still a little stunned. He didn't expect to come to his destination.

He thought it was a kidnapping, and wanted to call his family and ask them to prepare money and spend money to eliminate the disaster.

But they did not give him such an opportunity, but took him to the ancestral hall.

He came here because of his curiosity about the ancestral hall, but at that moment he had no interest in the ancestral hall, but was full of fear. The whole ancestral hall gave him a gloomy feeling, especially the ancient portrait placed in the ancestral hall.

He was sent to the basement of the ancestral hall and was trapped in a room where blood was drawn every day. The people locked up with him had mental problems one by one. He thought he would be trapped here to die, but he saw someone Coming here, it seemed like he was picking some kind of animal, and picked him out.

He was sent to the container, during which he was groggy and unconscious.

Later, he passed out completely, and his spirit body floated up from his body. His consciousness was clear, but he was floating in the sky watching his body being ripped apart...

He saw an old man lying on another bed, and on the spot, the heart was transferred to the old man's body.

The old man was transferred away, turned into a foreigner lying on the bed, and his liver was transplanted there.

Immediately afterwards, another person was changed, and the man who had been disemboweled was already empty.

His spiritual body gradually began to change, turning into a wraith, breaking through the predicament of having to stay around the corpse, but following the old man with the transplanted heart to see who he really is!

Followed to the village, he is an old man in the village, he can be regarded as a clan elder, and he is also a teacher in the village.

He hates it!He wanted to grab his heart back, but every time he wanted to rush over and grab the old man's neck, his hands would be attacked by inexplicable flames, and the source of this attack came from the ancestral hall.

He knew it was from the painting, and there was great horror in that painting.

He wanted revenge time and time again, was attacked time and time again, scarred, his spirit body became transparent, and the time left was getting less and less. He was close to despair, feeling that even if he disappeared completely, he would not be able to take revenge.

But now!
The opportunity is coming!

He went mad and rushed towards the old man, stretched out his hand and grabbed the old man's neck.

This is revenge from the Wraith!
(End of this chapter)

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