Chapter 1813 Only One Head Left

The transparent hand was supposed to go through the neck, not physically choke the neck, but because the resentment of the wraith was too strong, it actually choked the old man's neck.

The old man felt a sense of suffocation, stretched out his hand to cover his neck, and gasped violently.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Someone shouted.

More and more villagers gathered around, anxious.

They think that the old man is old and can't breathe due to physical reasons.

Some people resorted to first aid, but all were useless. The old man was still out of breath, his eyes were rolling, and his legs were stiff.

The resentful spirit became red-eyed, exhausted all his soul power, and died with him.

When the resentful spirit disappeared, it finally consumed the old man's last breath.

After the old man died, he turned into a spirit body floating above his body, and also turned into A Piao, but all this was not over. The other vengeful spirits actually strangled an enemy when they saw a vengeful spirit. Attacking that weak barrier, wanting to find revenge on their respective enemies.

Even if he can't strangle the enemy like the Wraith before, he still wants to use Yin Qi to make the opponent unlucky.

When they saw the spirit body of the old man floating up, the resentful spirits rushed over frantically. They began to tear the newly formed spirit body, tearing the old man A Piao into pieces, and put it into their mouths as if they were tasting delicious food.

The old man screamed, and he seemed to be able to feel pain even after he had just died.

This feeling is like being delayed alive.

"Let me go—" the old man roared, begging for mercy.

But no resentful spirit is willing to let him go. He used to be a living person, protected by the painting in the ancestral hall, and they couldn't hurt him. He was already very aggrieved. The aggrieved accumulated for many years, now finally has an outlet to vent out!
The old man only had one head left, but there was no Ah Piao to tear it apart.

It seems that it would be meaningless to let the old man disappear just like that. It is the consensus of all the wraiths to let him exist consciously.

A vengeful spirit once again broke through the thin barrier and found her enemy.

She is a graduate student, she is from the Department of Journalism, and she wants to write some different papers. She came to some poor and backward villages and wanted to collect some information. Teacher, she came up with the idea of ​​being a volunteer teacher, so she applied to stay in this village as a volunteer teacher.

At first, she also received gratitude from the people in the village, but gradually she felt that something was wrong with this village. They were obviously only farmers, and no one went out to work, but they were rich, and the things they used were all from the big city. In the city, there are even many imported products.

She wanted to inquire, and the villagers were very vigilant. That night, she was tied up and asked whether she came to the village for other purposes, whether she came to investigate...

She was really just here to be a teaching supporter, she didn't have any malicious intentions, she only inquired about it out of curiosity.

No matter how she explained it, the villagers didn't believe it.

They were going to silence them, but a villager stood up and said that he had taken a fancy to him.

I resisted, unwilling, and was forced to become the daughter-in-law of this villager. They were afraid that she would escape, so they broke her legs, chained her in the sheepfold, and raised her like a sheep. .

Her belly was getting bigger, and she finally saw a chance to escape. She pretended to be unconscious during childbirth, thinking that when they took the baby away and walked around the baby, she would have a chance to escape.

Unexpectedly, while pretending to be unconscious, she heard the old woman of the family say: "A little girl, forget about drowning, and raise her up to waste rations."

Then she heard the sound of a child crying, which grew farther and farther away.

She gave up the chance to escape, but rushed to the pond, where the old woman had already pushed the child upside down into the pond.

(End of this chapter)

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