Chapter 1814 None of the Enemies Can Escape

That is the child she conceived in October!
She screamed like crazy, beat the old woman, told her to let go, begged her to let go.

But the old woman held on tightly until the crying gradually disappeared.

The old woman let go, but the child was not breathing either.

She hates!

I hate everyone in this village, but the one I hate the most is the old woman who drowned her child!

At this moment, she broke through the thin barrier and rushed in front of the old woman. She stretched out her hand like the previous wraith, and pinched the old woman's neck with her hand. Maybe there was a mistake in the method, and her hand went through without pinching. Hold the old woman's neck.

She tried again and again, but her hand went through again and again.

She roared, a little desperate, her eyes were red, thinking of the drowned child, the resentment reached a certain point, the gray resentment around her body gradually began to change, black and gray were entangled, and finally the black swallowed all the gray, and her eyes became It became pure black, and the whole body exuded the breath of evil spirits.

Reaching out her hand again, she finally grabbed the old woman's neck firmly.

The old woman felt suffocated, and even had the illusion that someone had strangled her neck.

She yelled for help, and her sons rushed over.

She thought she would be saved, but even if the village doctor rushed over, after some rescue, the suffocation of her being choked did not ease in the slightest, but became more and more serious.

She felt that she was about to die, and everything in front of her eyes became dizzy, and the feeling of seeing stars frightened her. She tried to hold her little son's hand tightly, and wanted to open her mouth to say something, but she couldn't make any sound at all.

She was dying, and she realized that she was really dying, and just before she died, she saw a person on her deathbed.

That person has been dead for a long time, but at this moment, that person is black all over, like a ghost from hell, she is choking her neck.

It turned out that it wasn't my own illusion, it was really being strangled by the neck.

The next moment, the spirit body of the old woman floated out of her body, and her body died.

This is already the second bizarre death.

This also made the villagers pay attention to it, but these two are elderly people, and their attention is limited.

As soon as the spirit body of the old woman left her body, she began to yell: "Even if you turn into an evil ghost and take your life! I have also become a ghost now, and I don't believe you can still hurt me! I could kill you before, but now I am a ghost!" Even if you become a ghost, you can kill you! Kill you completely!"

The old woman rushed over with her spirit instinct and wanted to devour him, but she wanted to withdraw as soon as she rushed over, but it was too late.

From behind the evil spirit appeared a dense mass of resentful spirits, with pairs of wolf-like tiger eyes, as if they were going to eat her with their eyes.

It was too late for the old woman to retreat, she was already caught by the hands of the evil spirits, and countless pairs of hands of the evil spirits also stretched out, grabbing them with one hand, tearing the old woman's spirit body into pieces, just like the old man , and finally only one head remained.

The evil spirit's vengeance is not over yet.

The old woman is one, and the old woman's sons, one by one, will not let go!

At that time, the villagers wanted to silence her. It was the old woman's young son who fell in love with her and kept her. She was nominally the daughter-in-law of the old woman's young son, but during the days when her legs were broken and locked in the sheepfold, the men of the family We, one by one, have entered the sheepfold, and carried out...

Unable to look back, her eyes became more and more gloomy and deep, as if there was a black abyss in her eyes, full of black sea water boiling.

She rushed to the eldest son of the family and strangled him in the same way, followed by the second son... and finally the youngest son.

(End of this chapter)

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