Chapter 1815 As an Evil Spirit, I'm Scared

During the days in the sheepfold, she was thinking, even if they escaped, even if they called the police, even if they were caught, what punishment should they receive?

Is it three years, or five years?

Appears to be a sentence of less than three years.

Remember to catch more than 20 toads, and you will be sentenced to less than three years in prison.

It's sad and funny.

I have ruined my life in the hands of these people, and the last "comfort" I get is that they were sentenced to less than three years in prison?Catching a parrot, buying and selling a parrot, seems to be sentenced to five years in prison, right?
I am not as good as a parrot, but equal to 20 toads?

At that time, I felt that the world was too vicissitudes, and the bad guys would not get the retribution they deserved.

But now, after taking revenge with my own hands, I realize that everything in the world is only in the world!

All hatred does not end with death.

She stood in front of the heads of her enemies and smiled, smiling, but she heard a resentful spirit beside her say, "You are crying."


She couldn't feel the wetness of the tears running across her cheeks.

By the way, she is dead, there is no such touch.

She cried and laughed, and cried with a smile: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end."

For the villagers, it was extremely frightening at this moment. The two old people died of suffocation. They could still think that the two old people were sick and couldn't breathe when they were old. But now a few strong young people died in front of them. , the death pattern was exactly the same, and one of them shouted: "Don't strangle me, let me go..."

This can't help but make people think too much.

They are all people with dirty hands, and people who have done bad things. This bizarre death inevitably makes them frightened, thinking that those who were killed have turned into resentful souls and are looking for their lives!

Feng Qi, who had ordered special eye drops, saw the whole process, and opened her mouth slightly in shock.

Team Seven members were curious: "What happened?"

This question was asked when the first old man died. At that time, Feng Qi just asked him to order eye drops to see for himself.

Except for him who ordered eye drops, the members from the special department all silently ordered eye drops.

The ensuing scenes of the evil spirit's revenge all fell into their eyes.

The members of the seventh team couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the whole person was still a little bit stunned: "It's a bit cool, I don't know why."

Another person laughed: "It's not just cool, it's so cool! You should kick some more and kick these heads like footballs!"

The members of the Seventh Team looked back and found that the person speaking was a member of the First Team, a cute and lovely girl who was usually an elegant girl, how could she say such cruel words!

The cute girl stared: "What? Do you think these people need sympathy? Or do you think this retribution shouldn't come?"

The members of Team Seven blushed inexplicably and coughed dryly: "You're right, it's so cool!"

The cute girl hummed twice: "It's not too bad!"

The other members came back to their senses and began to discuss.

"It turns out that if you do too many bad things, there really will be retribution."

"To be honest, even if these people are arrested, they may not necessarily be sentenced to death. It would be better to have this kind of retribution! Even death, the soul has no chance of reincarnation! This is the best punishment!"

"I think the idea of ​​playing when the ball is good!"

"Hey, evil spirit beauties, you can kick their heads like balls, it must be fun!"

Evil Spirit: "..."

As an evil spirit, she was a little scared at the moment.

Obviously, she has nothing to fear when she becomes an evil spirit, but now she is extremely frightened.

She floated back quickly, her voice was hoarse and rough, a little ugly: " can see me!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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