Chapter 1816 Everyone rushed to the ancestral hall
Members of the seventh team grabbed the paw of the shepherd dog beside them and waved to the evil spirit: "Hello, sorry, I can see you, did I scare you?"

The corner of Xiangxiang's mouth twitched, and she patted the dog's paw, helplessly: "Don't make trouble!"

The most innocent and inexplicable is the shepherd dog Bengou, who looked at Xiangxiang with big round eyes, full of accusations and grievances in his eyes, as if asking again: Why did you slap my paw?
Xiangxiang touched the dog's head to express comfort: "Be good."

Gouzi was a little easy to coax, so he hummed a few times obediently, and lay down on the ground.

Xiangxiang raised her eyebrows: "It's very good. When the matter here is resolved, you can keep it in the castle."

Team Seven members sighed: "I'm afraid that big white will not agree."

Xiangxiang thought of the big white wolf that Xiao Taotie kept in the castle. It was obviously a wolf, but it was not easy to pretend to be a Samoyed all day long.

Xiangxiang: "Dabai is quite lonely too, is the shepherd dog male or female?"

The members of Team Seven had strange eyes: "Damn, you want to..."

Xiangxiang laughed: "It's time for Dabai to ask for a wife."

The evil spirit recovered, and found that these people didn't mean to hurt him, but gradually forgot about himself, and stopped looking at himself, and started talking about a dog instead!
The evil spirit was relieved, but the people in this village could not be relieved.

If only two old people died, they can hypnotize themselves, saying that the two old people are already old, so symptoms such as suffocation appear.

However, the death of the three young people now has to make them face this matter and start to think about some ghosts and gods.

There used to be a person with yin and yang eyes in the village, and that person left a message: If something strange happens in the village, you can go to the ancestral hall to solve it.

Everyone rushed to the ancestral hall immediately.

They all hope that the ancestors in the ancestral hall can protect them, but they don't know that the ancestors themselves are in danger at this moment.

Feng Qi looked coldly at the one soul that was about to dissipate, and at the same time was extremely vigilant around her, worried that the two souls and seven souls of this ancient official would return at any time.

Members of the seventh team saw that the villagers ran to the ancestral hall, "Sister Xiang, should we go and have a look?"

Just as Xiangxiang was about to nod her head, and directed everyone to follow, a black shadow came running from nowhere and hugged her in her arms!

Xiangxiang was about to beat someone up, but she smelled a familiar scent on him.

"Why are you here? The matter of the game competition is settled?"

"Don't talk, let me hold you for a while."

Mo Haihao was still in fear at the moment, thinking that it wasn't the little Taotie who made Feng Qi rush over too early, maybe that shot would have hit him.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan came out from the bushes, Little Taotie was a little smaller, but dragging a tall blond foreigner with one hand.

The sniper rifle in the hands of foreigners has already fallen into Hua Jinyan's hands.

They had arrived a long time ago, and when they came, it happened that Xiangxiang was almost shot. Fortunately, Feng Qi had arrived early and had been guarding Xiangxiang, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

There was a mess in the bushes, mainly because Mo Haihao had gone mad just now.

He was too emotional, so he didn't go to see Xiangxiang immediately. He was afraid of scaring Xiangxiang, so he cleaned up those guys who dared to hurt Xiangxiang, and he went to see Xiangxiang after he cleared his emotions. At that moment, Xiang's emotions were broken.

He was terribly afraid, afraid that one day, he would be separated from man because of the mission.

In the past, he was always afraid that something would happen to him, thinking that Xiangxiang would spend most of his time doing logistics work, so he would not be in danger, but at this moment he clearly understood that most of the time does not mean all of the time, there will still be danger, not absolutely nothing no danger.

Xiangxiang stretched out her hand and patted him on the back, "It's okay, okay, calm down..."

(End of this chapter)

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