Chapter 1817 Judge in coma in court

Mo Haihao gradually calmed down, and he told Xiangxiang what happened after his eyelids twitched wildly.

Only then did Xiangxiang understand why Feng Qi appeared. It turned out that it was not her luck, but her husband's worry and nervousness, so she asked Feng Qi to come over.

Fortunately, Feng Qi is here, if Feng Qi arrives later, he will not be able to dodge the shot.

If Mo Haihao didn't let the fast Feng Qi go first, but drove over anxiously, I'm afraid he can only collect Xiangxiang's body now.

Wanting to understand this point, the husband and wife looked at each other, equally terrified.

"Are you guys stuck together? How long have you been hugging? Let us single dogs eat dog food!"

"That's right! We are still serving in the military, and we don't have a daughter-in-law yet!"

"I can't see a daughter-in-law! It's hard!"

"This bowl of dog food is done first and respected!"

"Cheers! Finish this bowl of dog food!"

Afterwards, the police and troops were all uproarious.

Xiangxiang's face turned red. If it's just a colleague in a special department, it's fine. If you read a joke, you can read a joke, but there are so many outsiders here!This is a big shame!
She patted Mo Haihao's back heavily depressed: "You still haven't let me go!"

"Let them die of sourness! Struggle to death! Leave them alone, be good, let me hold you for a while, my heart is still beating wildly now, you don't know how afraid I am of losing you!"

"Let go, they're all laughing!"

There were bursts of suppressed laughter in the back denying: "No! We didn't laugh!"

"We are waiting to be killed by acid!"

"Waiting to be strangled to death!"

"Pfft! Hahaha!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, hahaha!"

As if a switch was turned on, a group of big men burst into laughter.

Xiangxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Mo Haihao away: "It's all your fault! Don't come near me!"

There was joy and laughter here, but there were screams here in the ancestral hall.

The evil spirits rushed into the ancestral hall for the first time, and when they saw that the great horror in the painting that had been hindering their revenge was completely abused by the beauty in red clothes, he was merciless with each whip and was about to disappear completely. They also saw The hope of revenge broke through the thin restrictions and barriers one by one, and rushed towards their enemies.

One by one, the villagers covered their necks, feeling the pain of being strangled.


"help me--"

The cries for help came to an abrupt end, and they died in a miserable state, their eyes widened, their tongues outstretched, and they died without regret.

More and more people died in this way of suffocation, as if they were strangled to death. Those villagers who were alive huddled together in fear, and looked around back to back. Not to Feng Qi who is whipping.

But they saw the portraits of their ancestors fall to the ground.

Someone tried to pick it up, and the portrait suddenly flew up by itself.

This weird scene frightened them a lot. Some people rushed out of the ancestral hall, trying to escape from here. This place is no longer a sacred place to shelter the village, but a place of dead bodies like hell.

The door of the ancestral hall was closed. They slammed, smashed, and kicked the door vigorously, but the wooden door, which is usually fragile, is like an iron door today.

Watching the descendants die miserably one by one, the official who was beaten until he was about to disappear suddenly looked up to the sky and cried out in grief, it was more like calling, summoning his two souls and seven souls.

At the same time, the judge who was sitting high in the courtroom was dazed for a moment, fainted in full view of everyone, and couldn't be woken up no matter how he woke up, falling into a coma like a vegetative state.

(End of this chapter)

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