The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1818 Giving up becoming a Buddha because of obsession

Chapter 1818 Giving up becoming a Buddha because of obsession
The judge regained consciousness, but appeared in a place that was extremely strange to him.

He looked up and met a pair of eyes of grief, indignation and despair.

At this moment, the memories of the previous life flooded in.

A scene that Yihun never remembered, but the judge remembered at this moment that after being beheaded, his soul was separated from his body, there was a Sanskrit sound, and lotus flowers grew under his feet.

The lotus blossomed into the sky like stairs, forming a lotus road leading to the sky.

As long as you step on the ladder, you can lead to bliss.

Cut off from the mortal world and become a Buddha.

He is a converted disciple of the tenth generation, an official of the tenth generation, an honest and good official, and deceives the people.

But in the ten lives, you will die unexpectedly, and you can become a Buddha only after going through hardships.

This is the tenth life of perfect merit and virtue. Although he still died unexpectedly and suffered the pain of beheading, he can become a Buddha and lead to bliss after going through this life.

But he didn't go that way.

The younger son is still alive, and he wants to protect the younger son.

He can't let go.

In the end, he separated from his obsession, and his soul was his obsession, which was sealed in the painting. If the youngest son misses him and worships him, the seal in the painting will be released, and his soul will wake up.

The two souls and seven souls chose to reincarnate and continue to become officials to protect the people.

I just didn't expect to be reunited in this way.

Seeing that Yihun has gradually faded, he looked at the woman in red clothes who was waving the whip and looked at him vigilantly. He sighed: "I couldn't resolve Yihun's obsession back then. I could only choose to divide it. Now the obsession still exists. , and please help me."

Feng Qi frowned: "Didn't you come to save your soul? Instead, you want me to wake up your soul?"

This kind of request is really rare in the ages.

Isn't he afraid that if he misses, his soul will be completely gone.

"Everything is God's will, and your arrival is a hidden arrangement."

The current image of the two souls and seven souls is a middle-aged man wearing a judge's uniform. His face is similar to that of one soul, but much older than one soul.

"Okay, you are not afraid, I will smoke."

Feng Qi's whip fell again.

Howling and mourning, he looked at his descendants and found that there were not many of them left.

Those resentful spirits were like the executioners of those days, killing all of them, leaving no one left!

He growled.

he growled.

He seems to have returned to that day, watching Jiuzu die because of him.

The strong guilt and grief turned into obsession, extremely strong.

You can give up even becoming a Buddha, just to protect the last bit of blood, as if as long as you protect this bit of blood and continue the incense, you can make up for it.

The whip was drawn again, but this time it didn't hit him, as if it had been drawn out, but it didn't look like it. He remembered with a broken voice that he saw the memories of all the resentful souls present.

Feel their grief and pain as if you were there.

Those innocent people just passed through the village and couldn't leave since then.

Those poor women, who were sold into the village, were not treated kindly, but tortured in various ways.

All these cruel things are done by his descendants.

What he sheltered has always been a group of demons.

In fact, he is not ignorant of everything in the ancestral hall, but sometimes he will pamper them when he thinks of the past, and gradually he does not pay attention to them, only thinking about protecting them no matter what they do.

This kind of obsession has become an accomplice, helping them continue to kill innocent people.

He was a clean and honest official and devoted himself to serving the common people, but he never thought that those who did good in ten generations would become accomplices to crimes.

He laughed at himself, that kind of laugh was very weird, full of confusion in the weirdness.

He looked up at the corpses of his descendants, and spirit bodies floated out from those corpses. The faces of those spirit bodies changed, including faces from this life and previous lives.

(End of this chapter)

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