Chapter 1819 Isn't it a void
These faces are too familiar to him!
Because of obsession, because of grief and anger, these faces are firmly engraved in the memory deep in the soul.

It is their officials who protect each other and do all kinds of evil!
It was because they refused to allow him to reform, and finally united to give false testimony and set a trap, accusing him of collaborating with the enemy and treason!

It was they who beat him whip after whip in prison, trying to beat him into a trick!

It was they who forged the confession and confirmed his charges!

It was they who dragged his relatives, the Nine Clans, to the execution ground and beheaded them for public display!

Every face, every face made him hate it to the bone!
But at this moment, these faces turned out to be the descendants he blessed!
What the hell is this!
These people were reincarnated after death and became their own descendants. What the hell is this!Are you protecting your enemies, or your descendants?
The blow was so huge that one soul was almost shattered, but two souls and seven souls still protected one soul.

The two souls and seven souls sighed, and their voice was loud and majestic: "I haven't understood yet, this is a calamity of cultivating the mind. Back then, your obsession was hard to get rid of and refused to become a Buddha, so there was this calamity."

"Jie..." Yihun muttered to himself.

When what you thought you were protecting turned out to be what you have always hated, it's like God is playing tricks on you, making a big joke, and anyone will collapse, as if all the hard work you've done is just a joke.

But when you calm down, everything you're obsessed with is just a joke. In the end, isn't it all in vain?

What would have happened without his intervention?
Yihun stood blankly, and the scene in front of him changed.

In front of him was the lotus staircase back then, and his death was the end. He knew Hong Chen and chose to walk up the lotus staircase.

Without his intervention, his youngest son would have grown up, and when he was old, he would lead his family to build a ancestral hall to worship him, but this time there was neither the painting nor his soul awakening.

When his youngest son was alive, the three generations of descendants lived and worked in peace and contentment, but in the fourth generation, the situation changed and became unfavorable. A gambler appeared, a butcher appeared, and a liar appeared...

From the perspective of one soul, starting from the fourth generation, the faces of the descendants are all changing, and they will become the appearance of the previous life, and they are all reincarnations of enemies.

This is the retribution of these people. They set up a scheme to harm others and make his family fall into ruin. If he hadn't died, his descendants would definitely be scholars and dignitaries. But because he was implicated in the nine clans, the youngest son could only hide in the mountain village , changed their names and surnames, did not dare to test for fame, and did not teach their children and grandchildren to read, resulting in three generations of farmers.

From the fourth generation onwards, it will only get worse.

The enemies are reincarnated into the fourth generation, and they still complain every day, why they were not born in an official family, why they were born in this poor village, this is not their retribution.

They reincarnated again and again, fell into this village again and again, without better development, lived very hard and tired every time, no matter how hard they worked, there was no return, and they couldn't get out of the mountain, even if one or two got out of the mountain by luck, When you go outside, you will encounter liars, car accidents, and all kinds of more unfortunate things.

They complain why it is so bitter, and envy those who are born with a golden spoon in their mouths. They spend the rest of their lives in this torment, repeated life after life, unable to break free from this vicious cycle.

Yihun stared blankly, and the picture in front of him changed again. This time, the content that became real was all left behind by his obsession and after he intervened.

Because of his intervention and protection, these enemies who should have lived a hard and tortured life lived a prosperous life. The village was like a paradise. They had food and drink, and whatever they wanted. Hun wants revenge, but every time he retreats because of his protection...

Yihun's eyes gradually changed from dazed to clear, and his almost transparent spiritual body suddenly became extremely solid. His official robe fell off, and inside the official robe was a monk's robe.

He looked up at the two souls and said softly: "If I don't participate, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, I should have left long ago. I let go."

(End of this chapter)

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