Chapter 1820

"Let's go."

The two souls and seven souls have gentle voices and kind eyes.

The judge's robe on his body was taken off, and the same monk's robe was inside. He stretched out his hand towards Yihun, palm facing up.

One soul nodded, clasped his hands together and put his hands in the palms of the two souls and seven souls after saying "Buddha".

In an instant, the light was dazzling.

The two lights merged together, and the two gradually became one.

The three souls and seven spirits return to one.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and thick clouds and mist layer upon layer change in the sky, sometimes turning into colorful phoenixes, sometimes turning into roaring dragons, sometimes turning into tens of thousands of fighting fish, sometimes converging into giant whales...

Facing today's monk, Feng Qi is no match.

Feng Qi frowned, looking at the monk solemnly.

The light on the monk's body dissipated, and he looked unpretentious. He put his hands together to Feng Qi: "Benefactor, can you return the portrait?"

The portrait was still pressed under Feng Qi's claws, and a fox's paw print had already been left on the portrait.

"I'll give it to you if you want it?" Feng Qi asked back.

The monk smiled slightly and said kindly: "Forget it, if the benefactor likes it, I can give it to you."

Feng Qi suddenly turned her head to look outside the ancestral hall.

Little Taotie was running towards the ancestral hall.

Feng Qi looked at the corpses on the ground, and flicked her big tail lightly, setting up a trick.

Feng Qi frowned, a little worried that she couldn't conceal the smell of blood here.

The monk looked at the direction Feng Qi was looking at just now, and seemed to understand Feng Qi's concerns. He lightly pressed his palm upwards, and turned his hands to see that the smell of blood was gone, and another barrier was set up on top of Feng Qi's blinding eyes.

"In this way, the little benefactor will not be able to see them."

Hearing this, Feng Qi was a little surprised.

"Benefactor, the poor monk can think about it, and I would like to thank the benefactor for his encouragement."

Feng Qi's big tail changed again and turned into a liar, and asked with a smile: "Then monk, do you want to give me a few more whips?"

The monk shook his head slightly: "That's enough."

"Cut!" Feng Qi thought the monk was a masochist, but she didn't expect to be teased so quickly, she flicked the whip and turned back into a big fluffy tail.

"The poor monk is leaving, these..." The monk looked at the vengeful souls and evil spirits, and then at the villagers whose spirit bodies had only their heads left, "Because the poor monk is like this, the poor monk took them away .”

As he spoke, a wooden fish appeared in the open palm of the monk. He struck the wooden fish, and the resentful spirits and evil spirits around him hugged their heads because of the knocking sound, and their bodies shrank and were sucked into the hole of the wooden fish.

As the beat beats faster, the heads that want to escape are also sucked into it.

The corpse was covered by a blindfold, and all the surrounding spirits were sucked into the wooden fish. The whole ancestral hall looked quite harmonious, without any smell of blood. Who would have thought that just a moment ago, there were corpses everywhere, and resentful spirits filled the room.

"You are a bit domineering." Feng Qi said unhappily.

You have to know that there are so many resentful spirits and those heads, when the little glutton comes, they can be turned into candy and chocolate with one punch, which is a necessity for ghost servants to advance.

The monk hit the wooden fish a few times, and there was not one left.

Seeing that Feng Qi was dissatisfied, the monk thought for a while, and his eyes fell on the official seal under Feng Qi's other paw. At this moment, the little Taotie poked out a small head and looked in. Seeing that Feng Qi was safe and sound, his big eyes were shining, and his little pear dimpled. Sinking, eyebrows and eyes curved, sweetly shouted: "Feng Qi!"

In the eyes of the little Taotie, Feng Qi turned into a beauty in ancient costume and did not take off her tail. This way, the little Taotie thought it was a good look, and almost ran towards Feng Qi, trying to keep Feng Qi's big red tail.

(End of this chapter)

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