Chapter 1821 Uncle Monk Presents Official Seal

Little Taotie didn't see the corpses all over the place, nor did he see those spirit bodies, only the monk standing in the middle of the ancestral hall was almost materialized.

The little Taotie wanted to hug the big tail, but it was in vain. Feng Qi turned around and took the tail away, her claws turned into human hands, completely looking like a beauty in red in ancient costumes, without leaving any trace of a fox.

The little Taotie moaned and chirped a little, but due to the presence of outsiders, she didn't act coquettishly and make Feng Qi change into a big tail.

Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at the monk curiously. The little milk voice was full of doubts: "Uncle Monk, are you a spirit body or a living person?"

It's too materialized, even the little Taotie can't tell the difference.

The monk was kind and gentle, and said with a smile: "The poor monk is not a spirit body, nor a living person."

He attained the Tao and became a Buddha, which is regarded as a Buddhist practice.

"You and I are destined, the poor monk gave you something." The monk said suddenly.

Little Taotie blinked her big eyes, and from the head of Uncle Monk, she saw a blooming, snow-white and flawless white lotus, emitting a soft gleam, and faintly rippling water around it.

"Give me a meeting gift just after we met?" Little Taotie blushed, he didn't expect Uncle Monk to like him so much, he pointed his fingers a little embarrassedly, "I won't accept it!"

The corner of Feng Qi's mouth twitched.

You have such a small appearance, you don't look embarrassed to accept it at all, your eyes are full of curiosity, and they are shining, obviously you are curious about what people will give you when you die!
Feng Qi supported her forehead and chose to remain silent.

But the next moment, Feng Qi was stunned, and looked at her empty palm in surprise.

One moment, the official seal was still in Feng Qi's hands, and the next moment, it returned to the monk's hands without warning.

I didn't expect that the monk with three souls and seven souls returned to one and became a Buddha instantly would be so powerful, and now it would be so easy to take away the official seal from him.

Feng Qi frowned, staring at the monk in displeasure.

That was her trophy!

This monk is too much, just take away all the spirit bodies, now even the spoils are taken away!

Just before Feng Qi was about to get angry, the monk squatted down, looked at the little Taotie, handed the official seal in front of her, and softly said: "The official seal is for you."

Little Taotie stared at the official seal with big shiny black eyes, and could feel a very comfortable atmosphere from above. The golden official seal made people unable to move their eyes away. This golden color was somewhat familiar, as if... the light of merit?
Little Taotie blinked, turned his head to look at the monk, met the monk's kind and gentle eyes, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Uncle monk, is this a merit?"

What the official seal gathers is not just the official career merits and beliefs of the people in one life, but after the three souls and seven souls are unified, the merits and beliefs accumulated in ten lives are all included.

The monk smiled kindly and said: "You can see the merit, which shows that you have a predestined relationship with it. Take it well, it may help you."

Little Taotie was a little embarrassed, but she stretched out her little hand honestly, she wanted it.

The moment the white and tender palms dragged the official seal, the golden light flourished, and in the blink of an eye, it sank into the palm and merged into the little Taotie's body. The little Taotie couldn't see himself, but in Feng Qi's sight, the little Taotie turned into a little golden baby , but it was only for a short moment, and soon returned to her white, tender and lovely appearance.

Little Taotie felt warm on his body, blushed, let out a breath of comfort, narrowed his eyes, like a lazily snorting kitten.

She knew the essence of reciprocity, the little girl searched in her bag for a long time, and finally found a decent gift in return.

Holding the gift in her palm, she waved to the monk mysteriously, and said in a childish voice, "Uncle monk, spread your palms."

(End of this chapter)

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