Chapter 1823
Baizhang said, "Just ask." 】

The old man said: [I was also a Dharma master five hundred lives ago.In the past Kasyapa era, I used to live on this mountain, because a wandering monk asked: 'Do people who practice great practice still fall into karma? 'I replied:' There is no cause and effect. 'Because of the wrong answer, I was punished to become a fox and reincarnated for five hundred lives.Can't get rid of it.Excuse me, master, where did I go wrong? 】

After listening to it, Zen Master Baizhang said, "You can ask me again!" 】

The old man repeated the original sentence and asked Zen Master Baizhang for advice.

Baizhang replied very seriously and loudly: "There is no ignorance of cause and effect. 】

Hearing this, the old man knelt down happily and thanked him, saying: 【I have been liberated.Tomorrow, please be merciful to the old monk (referring to Zen Master Baizhang), and go to the cave in the back mountain to cremate the body of this wild fox for me, and please bury me according to the monk's etiquette. 】

Baizhang really found the body of the wild fox in the cave in the back mountain, and cremated it according to the ritual. "

Little Taotie blinked again, feeling that the story was very meaningful, but he couldn't understand it, and there was a trace of confusion and bewilderment in the depths of the black pupils.

The little girl tilted her head, lost in thought.

In the ear, the monk's kind voice sounded again: "Buddhism's cultivating cause and proving fruit is just the embodiment of the law of cause and effect. The old man thought that practitioners can 'not fall into cause and effect', but they fell into wrong views, which belonged to 'big lies', and suffered as a result. The report of the wild fox body.

Wild fox Zen does not fall into cause and effect. Because the Zen practitioners have not reached the emptiness, they mistakenly believe that "do not fall into cause and effect" and become a fox for five hundred lives.

Therefore, anyone who talks about gongan, just verbally says that there is no form, no self, no Buddha and no sentient beings, but has no actual practice, is called a wild fox.

Practicing practically, but also persisting in having great merit and virtue, wishing to become a Buddha and become a ancestor, who can save, have saved, and will save countless sentient beings, Buddhists call them persistent people.

One must not be ignorant of the principle of cause and effect, and not cling to the value of 'I' as reality, which is the truth of Buddhism..."

Little Taotie was dizzy and still couldn't fully understand.

In fact, the little girl was at a loss: what did the monk tell me?I'm not a monk?

The monk saw the little girl tilting her head in thought, her big eyes rolling wildly, and knew that all of this would be useless to her temporarily, but it would always be useful.

He has already seen that the little girl has three souls and seven souls, which is similar to his previous situation.

Under such circumstances, once the three souls and seven spirits are complete, combined with all kinds of things, they will surely be enlightened. I am talking about this to her now, and I just hope that I can help her when the time comes.

While Little Taotie was thinking, the monk quietly left, turning into a ray of golden light and flying towards the west.

When Little Taotie came back to her senses, there was no one in front of her eyes, she wondered, "Where is Uncle Monk?"

Feng Qi curled her lips: "I've already left."

"I haven't even said goodbye to him yet!" Little Taotie asked, "Which direction did you go from?"

"He's a monk, of course the West."

Little Taotie turned around, a little confused: "Where is the West?"

Feng Qi supported her forehead, and pointed her hand casually.

Little Taotie faced that direction and raised his voice loudly: "Uncle Monk, goodbye!"

The monk standing on the auspicious cloud smiled and shook his head, and responded softly: "If there is a destiny, we will meet each other."

The monk's voice drifted from afar, piercing into the little Taotie's ears like a murmur, the little Taotie raised a smile, and the little dimple sank in, "Feng Qi, I heard Uncle Monk's response, he said that there is a destiny, and we will meet each other." See."

Feng Qi's eyes were slightly complicated, and she nodded: "Let's go, this is not a place to stay for a long time."

The monk had already left, and the blindfold was about to dissipate. She was worried that the blood would scare the children.

(End of this chapter)

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