Chapter 1824 Fengqi is not allowed to watch
"Feng Qi, is there really a Paradise in the West?"

"do not know."

"Feng Qi, do you think my master has also gone to the West?"

"not sure."

"Feng Qi, the official seal was eaten by my hand, have the merit and faith become mine?"

"should be."

"Feng Qi, can you conjure up a big tail? Wearing an ancient costume and turning into a human, it's so interesting to flick your big tail around!"


With a flash, Feng Qi changed back into the appearance of a red fox, jumped onto the little Taotie's shoulders, wrapped her big tail around her, and the little Taotie wore a fiery red fluffy scarf.

The palm of Little Taotie's palm flashed golden light, and he gently stroked the fiery red tail, feeling real, the little girl giggled happily.

Hua Jinyan, who finished finishing the bushes, ran over, wondering: "What is so happy about?"

"Uncle Monk gave me a lot of merit and faith, I'm so happy!" Xiao Taotie's eyebrows were curved, and the little pear dimple was deeply sunken, as if it could fill a nest of sweet water, and the little white teeth were secretly exposed, smiling sweetly In the pit of the heart.

Hua Jinyan laughed along with him.

Little Taotie tilted his head: "Are you happy too?"

Hua Jinyan laughed lightly: "You are happy, so I am happy."

The two children looked at each other and laughed at the same time, the little Taotie's giggles were cute and lively.

Feng Qi: "If you're like this, I'm almost overwhelmed."

Little Taotie tilted his head, wondering: "Is it going to last? Feng Qi, are you stealing my chocolate again?"

Feng Qi held his forehead: "It's dog food."

Little Taotie looked disgusted: "Although you look like a dog, but you are a fox, how can you eat dog food."

Feng Qi: "I don't want to talk anymore."

Little Taotie blinked, covered his mouth and let out a snicker.

Feng Qinu: "You did it on purpose! Little Taotie, when did you learn to be bad! No, you have always been a bad girl!"

Little Taotie stuck out his tongue, took Hua Jinyan's hand and started running, "Sister Xiangxiang, we are back!"

Feng Qi was depressed, her figure flashed, and she entered the horse-faced bell.

Xiangxiang and the colleagues around her who had taken special eye drops stared straight at Feng Qi, but Feng Qi was frightened, so she chose to hide in the horse face bell at the first time.

"Wow! What a beautiful fox!"

"It's as red as fire, so beautiful!"

"It seems that I have to watch it for a while, why did it disappear?"

"Little Taotie, was that fox just now also A Piao?"

Xiao Taotie is surrounded by colleagues, and for the first time realizes that it is not a good thing that everyone can see Ah Piao!
Little Taotie wanted Feng Qi to come out to show everyone, but Feng Qi resolutely refused: "I'm not a pet, should I come out and perform for everyone? No!"

Little Taotie shook the horse face bell a few times, Feng Qi stopped talking to her.

Little Taotie sighed: "She's asleep."

Colleagues were quite disappointed. Someone had already taken out a drawing board and wanted to draw this beautiful fox, but unfortunately there was no chance.

The time of eye drops is limited and the quantity is limited. In the future, you can watch it if you want to.

"What does it need to come out?"

"We will find a way to satisfy the little fox!"

"Little fox, come out quickly!"

Little Taotie could only shake the horse face bell again: "Feng Qi, everyone wants to see you very much."

"Don't show me!" Feng Qi snorted, her ears drooped and her holes were blocked, her big tail curled herself up, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Little Taotie sighed, and looked at everyone apologetically, "She is really asleep."

Colleagues did the finishing work, Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan got into the car to rest, maybe there was a fight in the bushes, Xiao Taotie was a little tired, and fell asleep in the car.

It has been a long time since she dreamed of the little white beast, and today she finally dreamed of the little white beast.

(End of this chapter)

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