Chapter 1825 Dreaming of the Girl in the Petals
The little white beast lay quietly in the ice coffin, and there was a huge phantom in the sky.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to touch the ice coffin, but suddenly something flew out of his hand, and a golden light shot into the huge phantom, and the huge phantom instantly became solid.

Little Taotie looked up and saw the golden light that was about to disappear, it was a small official seal.

It was the official seal given to her by the monk uncle, and all the merit and faith in it were absorbed by the phantom, so the phantom became more and more solid.

Little Taotie could clearly see the hairs on the phantom of the little white beast, and each one became clearer.

The phantom is true, but one of the small horns of the little Baibai beast is still missing on the phantom. The eyes of the little Baibai beast are closed, and the small mouth is a little transparent, not very solid yet.

The little Taotie leaned against the ice coffin, chatting with the little Baibai beast in the ice coffin, talking about what happened in the days when he hadn't dreamed of the little Baibai beast for a long time.

As he was talking, the picture suddenly changed, and the white in front of his eyes turned into a sea of ​​blooming flowers. In the sea of ​​flowers, the little white beast was lying in a huge pink flower. It was not clear whether the flower had grown bigger, or the little white beast had become bigger. When I was young, I rolled in the flowers.

This little white animal is smart and cute, its big eyes are shining, and there seems to be a river of stars in the eyes, and its small mouth is solid, and it is still moving, as if it contains candy.

Little Taotie ran a few steps quickly, wanting to go up to greet the little Baibai beast, but found that he was still in place after running for a long time, unable to get close to the little Baibai beast at all.

At this moment, he is like a bystander, and the world in his perspective is more like a movie.

Little Taotie realized that this was already a dream within a dream, and he once again dreamed about what happened to Baibai Xiaoshou before.

Maybe it was because of the ice coffin, so I saw the memory of the little white beast, or maybe it was just a simple change of dream again.

The little white beast playing in the sea of ​​flowers stopped suddenly, its pink nose moved, and a little sweat stain appeared on the fleshy little nose, it wiped it with the pads on its little paws, suddenly, it sneezed, it Rolling down from the flowers, the body began to change when it landed, gradually getting bigger, and the figure stretched out in the light, first turned into a little girl, and then turned into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

When it landed, the petals were startled to fall because of the big sneeze of the little white beast. She was lying on the ground, covered with layers of pink petals, as if she had been covered with a pink petal skirt.

Little Taotie saw this scene, his pupils dilated, his eyes were full of shock and joy, he was shocked by the girl's beauty, and delighted in such a beautiful petal skirt, the girl became even more beautiful.

Little girls like beautiful things, and they will especially like a brother or sister because they are beautiful. Their love is pure: you are good-looking!I just like you!

Little Taotie is also a pure little girl, her big eyes are shining brightly, full of joy for this beautiful girl, her small mouth is slightly opened, and she whispers: "Sister is so beautiful..."

The girl in the petals was stunned for a moment, apparently startled by the accident, she stood up from the sea of ​​flowers, the petals fell from her body, the little Taotie hurriedly covered her big eyes, but her fingers opened, and she secretly opened a Peeping through the gap, "Wow, my sister is so white..."

The voice seemed to reach the girl's ears. The girl was startled and looked around in horror: "Who? Who's talking?"

Little Taotie was surprised and covered his mouth.

She was so innocent, she thought she was watching a dream, completely unaware that her voice would be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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