Chapter 185 Quickly recover the mood

Seeing the eldest grandson leaving with the cat in his arms, Tao Mo quietly came to the second living room, fished out the little Ni Xiaomo from the fish tank, and put them in two small fish tanks.

Xiao Ni kept it by himself, Xiao Mo handed it to his wife, and blinked at him.

Tian Leran understood, nodded, and held the fish tank as if it were a treasure.

The two old men hid the fish tank behind their backs, walked past Liu Mingzhu who was still in a daze and Tao Tiancheng who was still blaming himself, and went upstairs.

They are waiting for news from their eldest grandson. If the eldest grandson uses the kitten to contact the little granddaughter again, they can split up and use little Ni and Mo to get close to the little granddaughter again. This time they have to be more cautious.

When Tao Tiancheng and Liu Mingzhu reacted, the cat was gone, and so was the fish.

The husband and wife looked at each other and saw the bitterness and sadness in each other's eyes.

Liu Mingzhu: "Wait a minute, she is still too young, maybe when she grows up, she can slowly accept us."

Tao Tiancheng sighed bitterly: "She is too defensive, it is difficult."

"It's our fault. We lost her. That's why she was abused by Zhang Cuilian, she lacked love, and she was so defensive... It is said that the shadow of childhood needs a lifetime to heal. Does it take a lifetime to wait for a mother?" Is it?" Liu Mingzhu squatted down in despair, hugged her knees, and cried deeply.

Tao Tiancheng knelt down, hugged her with both hands, and sighed silently.

He didn't know how to comfort his wife, but he was also sad and sad.

He didn't dare to think deeply about how much suffering the little girl who was supposed to hold in his palm had endured.

Thinking about it carefully, my heart hurts like a twist.

Tao Mo went downstairs with a cane, and saw the husband and wife hugging each other and squatting on the ground, immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves.

The old man stepped in front of the two of them with heavy steps, and poked the ground heavily with his crutches, making a louder sound.

The two raised their heads together, Liu Mingzhu's eyes were red, crying pitifully, Tao Tiancheng's face was blank, like a fool.

The old man didn't even look at this ugly thing, and poked the ground again with his crutches, "It's useless, the business can't be negotiated once, but you know it once and for all, never give up, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you are! It's just that you were rejected by your granddaughter." It’s just once, and you flinched, despaired, and sad? How old are you? At such an age, you lived into your old mother’s stomach?”

Tian Leran, who went downstairs and heard this, put on a straight face, and said with disgust: "My stomach is not so big, I can't hold such a big, strong and stupid person!"

Tao Tiancheng: "..."

It's already desperate enough, but it's too uncomfortable to be scolded by the old man and rejected by the old lady!
"Such a big man, still squatting on the ground! Hurry up, all of you get up!" The old man roared, continuing to poke the ground with his cane.

Tao Tiancheng looked at the ground, a hole was poked out in the overwhelmed floor.

Tao Tiancheng helped his wife to stand up. The two middle-aged people were trained like children who made mistakes, and they didn't dare to lift their heads.

"It's not that I'm talking about you, what a big deal, it's just being rejected once! Let me tell you, don't say it once, even if you are rejected a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times, you can't give up!"

"We must have the spirit of becoming more and more courageous, and try to come up with a good way to let our little granddaughter accept us and return to the Tao family!"

"Come on, do something with your head down, like a defeated rooster! Keep your head up!"

Tao Tiancheng and Liu Mingzhu looked at each other, they didn't dare to lower their heads any more, and hurriedly raised their heads high.

The old man was dissatisfied again, and he poked the ground hard with his cane, "Why are you raising your head so high? Is there anything worthy of holding your head high and proud of you! Keep it low!"

Tao Tiancheng looked desperate: "..."

It is you who ask us to look up, and you are the one who sees us not pleasing to the eye!
The two obediently lowered their heads again and continued to be trained.

The old man made a long speech. When it comes to dry mouth, it's time for Tian Leran to serve a cup of tea. The old man drank a cup of tea and continued to talk...

Xiao Taotie, who returned to Cheng Guodong's residence, quickly recovered, took Hua Jinyan to visit her room, and introduced her first plush bear to him.

"Shall we continue making kites?" She blinked her big eyes, full of expectation.

Hua Jinyan naturally would not refuse, so he nodded.

Cheng Guodong, who had been observing the little Taotie, sighed: "I was still worried that she would continue to be depressed, but I didn't expect her to recover so soon."

Qin Xin frowned: "The more this is the case, the worse it will be."

(End of this chapter)

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